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i'm new at this, but here's what i need help on, it's a bot thing...


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peole say that pk3 files can be opened with winzip/archivers as such,etc. and so I try it. I can open them, and pull out files. Even changing the extension from pk3 to zip works, until I have to put it back together. When I add the altered files, and then create a new zip and finally, change it to pk3 extension, the file is bigger than it should have been, and the game doesn't detect crap.

*namely the assets0 file, where I want to do this...*


I found in the bots file and in ...I think the models/players file, listings of default multiplayer bot lightsaber colors. I edited the numbers, that were all preset on 0- for the bad bots, and 4- for the good bots, corresponding with red an blue. From this I gathered that 0-red, 1-orange, 2-yellow, 3-green, 4-blue, and 5-purple. I tried reassembling the pk3 file and it went bust.


I'm new at this, so obviously I don't know too much what I'm doing, or if editing the bots lightsaber color is possible, but from what I've seen with other quake engine pc games, it should be. Does anyone here know whats the problem? What I'm not doing/leaving out? it's help quite a bit, as I also need to figure out how to edit the pk3 files in a certain bid for power mod for quake 3 arena.


Thanx - raijin1999


:c3po: "we're doomed!"

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OK, it's probably to do with the directory structure. Look at the Emperor skin that's available on the net, it has instructions in it on exactly how to extract, modify and re-pack files from assets pak files using Winzip.


If you can't find this let me know I will try and post a link.


Hope this helps.



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I'm such an idiot. The reason the pk3 files dies is cuz I didn't click the always open with this prorgam tab when opening the file via WINRAR. I clicked it and it worked perfectly. I was able to add bots and change the bots saber from blue-good, and red-bad to whatever I thought matched a character, like...


tavion- orange

luke- green

lando- purple

beedo- blue

mothma- yellow

shadow trooper -purple




It was easier than I had built it up to be.

Of course, making skins is a whole new trip.

NOW...One more question.

How would I make a simple mod of this?

Even if it meant that the bots just start

off with predetermined, yet different color blades?




:fett: nope...I didn't get paid for this either.

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From what I understand, you have already learned how to extract/repack .pk3 files.


If so then it seems like you already have a 'potential' mod-structure. Just release it to one of the sites (massass.net/jediknightii.net/etc) and there you go.


Other-wise what else do you feel you need/want to do with it to make it a 'mod' ?






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Kind of easy...


Do not place those edited files in the original pk3 (where you had them from), but create a new zip file instead, which only holds the folders (with their entire pathes) of the files you edited.


With the example of a skin (but it works like that for all files) it would look like this :

- edited.zip\models\player\kyle\kyle_face.jpg


These folders should only contain new/edited files.

Not any of the unchanged ones.


Rename that new .zip file to .pk3 and give it any name which fits your mod, like newsabercolors.pk3

Just make sure the name does not start with an "a".

That is a general rule and has a good reason.

You are to place that file in the base folder, where the assets0.pk3 is located.

If your file were to be given a name which sets it in alphabetical order before assets0.pk3 it would be overwritten by the original (because the assets0.pk3 would then be loaded in ´after` your pk3 file).


I hope that helps.


Another advice : Do not make any changes to the original assets0.pk3 and assets1.pk3 files.

That will just mess up your original game.

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