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Skins/mods i want t see

Jarrodo Malachi

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First off i don't kno jack about skinning and i hope to learn but i look at the stuff you people say about it and the terms you use and it looks like i'm tryn' to read japanese!


I have some great skin ideas of my own design and no way to express them. i kno people don't like whining brats looking to get custom made skinsfor their personal use but some of us don't have the skill you elders in the field have.


Never the less here ae some skins i would like to see and i kno youall have som so i would love to hear them ( i think this thread has been posted before only i can't find it so i'm starting this one)


I Skins

A Movie characters



2. Tomb Raiders Lara Croft


3. Indiaina Jones


4. All the James Bond characters encluding the bond girls


5. any and all Arnold S. characters


6.The Gladiator (russle crow)


7. The Matrix Characters


8.Aliens, Predators, and their human counter part characters


9. Starship Troopers, Soldiers and Bugs


10.Space Above and Beyond characters (8, 9, and 10 to me are the sci fi equalalent the US Army[starship troopers Moble Infantry], Navy [ starship troopers Space Fleet], Marines[ Aliens United Systems Colonial Marine Corp USCMC] and Air Borne Marine air forces [space Above and Beyonds Space Marines].


11.Martial Arts Stars such as jackie Chan, Jet Le and the lendgenary Bruce Lee with there own Martial arts styles


12.Bruce Campbells "Ash" from evil dead movies


13. Great western cowboy moveis like Tomb Stone and the Magnificent Seven


14.Die Hard Characters


B Comic Books


1. Marvel Super Heros as many has you could make


2. DC Super Heros so you could battle marvels spider-man with dc's batman


4. Dark Horse Comics


5. Spawn comics


C Games


1. Fighter games like Virtual Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and such.


2.Resident Evil characters


3.Nintendo greats like Mario, Zelda games, Metroid, and so on


4. Duke Nukum


5. Turok the Dinosour Hunter


6. Doom


7. Quake


8. Castle Wolfeinstine


9.Tenchu (ninja game)


10.any others i missed


II Modifications


Movie characters: most of the characters i mention and you will think of don't have super powers. i'm talkin bout your ordinary joe doing extraordinary things. this means he or she is very athletic and packs an ass load of fire power i'm talking guns and swords and whips and knifes and other such assorted and exotic weapons. i would say this is the easist mod to create all you have to do is make a bad ass skin pack with all of your movie characters and create weapons for each, some are character posific like Lara Crofts Duel 9mm pistols, or Blades Sword and automatic handgun, or Indiains trade make Bull Whip.


Other characters use whats given to them. you nt sure what weapons to use...go rent the movie. easy as pie


Comics: this one is hard to me seeing as any body could make the skin but how about there powers. you would just be kyle in a spider man suit if yo didn't have the spider man powers kno what i mean. and for some thing like the marvel franchise you don't have to make all of them at one i would start out with the favorites in little secttions, loners, groups, ext.


Games: take elements of both i just mentioned. as long as they look really good.



Look this sounds like much but it's only one 16 year old boys view on what he would like to see. cus i'm a big rpg fan and want to be set apart and i kno you all want to be too...

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you know, I think its kinda lame just saying, " this is what I wanna see, blah blah blah"

just be patient and wait for the most greatest skinner to come along in his/her own time to make one of those skins. OR, do it your self

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i kno, but i don't have the first idea on how to even start on creating any of this stuff and don't want to try until those wonderful tools raven is going to release come out.


and still i wouldn't have the slightest idea on how to start and what to study,






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I'm just curious if anyone is working on or has interest in designing an Aurra Sing skin. I wish I had the talent to make one myself, but I don't. I'm kinda at everyone else's mercy. But if patience is all that it takes I'm in it for the long haul.


I recall only seeing 1 Aurra Sing model for Dark Forces: Jedi Knight 1, and even then it was part of a pack. Hopefully, the character is still of interest.

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