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My first ever attempt at skinning.


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Well for starters:


I have never tried skinning before.

I have never used Image/Design programs before.

I have no technical knowledge on these things.


There, now that that's out of the way... :)


This is my first ever attempt at making a skin. Yes, it is another repaint. I figured I might as well try a repaint before I dive in head first into uncharted territory. I noticed when playing JO that there really isn't a "generic" Jedi in the game. Sure, you got yer Jedi and Jedi trainers, but they don't look or feel all that Jedi to me. And I needed a hood damn it. So here is some pics from the first version of my skin, please be honest when you look at it, I'm a big boy and old enough to deal with criticism.


Well, thanks for taking the time to read this and check my skin out.





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Yeah, he kinda felt like that to me also. Since I've changed the colour of his torso and arms a great deal, hopefully enough to pull of that "Jedi" feel. Oh well, I'll try to get some more shots posted shortly.


EDIT: This bot actually does look alot better than the pics. I play on a 350Mhz, so all my details and graphics and features are on low...

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frankly? boring, blurry, and no good details. But hey, I'm new to this JO skinning dealie too, so no worries there. Once exams finish and I can get going, you can point and laught at my work :) fair enough? we can learn together :)


I have a slight advantage though, in that I've done some skinning before for the halflife engine. Quite a leap from HL to Q3 engine, though... the freedom is exhaustive. I mean, my god, SHADERS? I have no frickin' idea about those. EYES AND MOUTHS? yeesh.

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Septlic -


To take screenshots, just go into your console and type:


/bind x screenshot


that will make whatever key you chose as 'x' and when you hit that button a screenshot will be made and placed into your Gamedata/base/screenshots folder.


Cheers ;)


(PS: having your camera at different angles and different hieght is a different question and requires more explaining - if you want to know about how to take screenshots of your character from the front, side, etc... feel free to ask)

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Okay, I updated the 3 pictures above with the newer version, had a friend take them for me in high detail. And he's one more just for ****s-n-giggles. :)




And I can't remember, but I think the console code is cg_thirdpersonangle, or something...

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let us compare this to a skin i made. and i am also not that familiar with texturing ... but know how to use PS

well this one is done from scratch , i just took the hands, face and boots off the game ... i knew it's a no-no but myself was too lazy :D


anyways , critics always welcome !



yours cat_mom

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erm ... colors you say ?


The pictures are heavily compressed and so the real texture cannot be seen.


well sure it still needs improvement but my heart tells me to leave this thing like it is :eek:


and to answer your question:

It is some kind of tribal symbol I found in a book full of such nice pics ..


[edit] My first intention was to make sth desert-looking

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so well which colors may fit to my skin ?

I'm still not shure how to use him .. where may he live etc.


Maybe you others have some ideas




[edit] for all of you who want my skin download it _here_


and i dont mind if you use it for your own pleasure ;)

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