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Some bugs I just wanted to expand on 'cause I have new data.


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Ok, there are a few major bugs that I just want to throw out there and make sure that Raven is totally caught up with these (as I've discovered a few things about them since the Patch Thread was pulled).


Firstly, the COM_PushEvent Overflow error.


Some people were complaining about pushing tab in MP (to bring up the scores) was making them freeze momentarily. Occasionally when I do this, I get COM_PushEvent Overflow error messages. Which is the same thing that crashed me (which I elaborated on back in the Patch Thread). These don't cause crashes, but they do cause both lockups and lag (especially when I'm running the server).


Secondly, you can't do a few things for a few seconds after Challenging someone, except move around. You can't draw your saber (to defend against an attacker) or swing, or anything like that. (You might be able to taunt though... and you can chat....)


Finally, Mind Trick only seems to work in Multiplayer if you're facing in the general direction of someone, even at levels two and three.


Also, either g_motd is not working, I'm not setting it up right, or the server operator can't see his own MOTD when he starts running the server. The line I'm using in the jk2mpconfig file is:


seta g_motd "Blah"


This does not display anything remotely close to "Blah" on my server info screen as I start up. Which leads me to believe it's not working. (That, and the fact that when I put rules in there, no one knows about them till I tell them in game.)


Finally (I think), no matter what I try, the third level of saber throw will NOT save. My server is set up for Jedi Master level of force power, and I can max out any of the powers I have force points for, but if I max out the Saber Throw, exit, and restart, it's back down to level two, and I have to go in change it. Annoying yes. Game breaker? No.


Also, a few suggestions:


First off, come out (if possible) with a couple of small patches, rather than one large one. Fix the major bugs first (like the COM_PushEvent stuff) then go for the gameplay stuff. The game is sufficiently playable, given VERY tight admining or a set of strict rules, but those bugs always seem to get in the way.


Secondly, can you add an option to putting NewLine characters of some sort into the g_motd variable? It allows for easier formatting and readability. I like to put my server's rules in there.


Other than that, I've got nothin' but praise for the game. If you create a sequel, it could stand to be a little more emotionally evoking, but overall JK2 was great (and I'm still playing it over the crap that Dungeon Siege is... and EQ hasn't even been able to pull me away from JK2.)

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I want to expound on the problem you are seeing since I have it also. I will get it the first time I hit tab also, and also after a certain amount of time. When I die, too, the first time it will do the stuttering effect and then work normal for a certain amount of time.


Seems to me as if it isn't precaching the graphics for the death scene, which also comes up when you hit tab with the letters. Could it be that it only tries to load the graphics for the letters when you first die or hit tab? Eventually as you play they get uncached? Dunno, just some thoughts that may add to this.

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*nod* That's exactly how it's behaving. Though if it -really- takes that amount of time/processor to load 37 characters (the numbers, letters, and the - character) and that little 'fuzzy' effect behind the top of the list, there might be more than one thing going wrong there.

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