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Please help me with MP (n00b) :(

Jedi AceX

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Ok, after taking out the no cd hack and using my cd, i can get online games to work now (for those who still can't, it worked on mine thank god). But now i am almost wishing i hadn't. I have played aline games before, and know all about lag, even on my cable modem i get a disgusting 120-140 as the average. But for the life of me i am getting my arse waxed when i shouldn't be. I just about coughed up my left nut just a few minutes ago when this moron, who wasn't cheating as far as i can tell, survived 3(!!!!!!!!!) force pulls which threw him to the ground with which i promptly did the ballerina twirl n slash on his arse.....just for him to jump up, back off, and blow me to bits with a repeater or some ****. Thats just part of my complaint. I've jumped into the middle of a 2 vs 2 to help my team mates out, and i'd run right by a guy and, on my screen at least, slash the living hell out of him....and he'll keep coming. And on lightsaber spin and he slices my feet from under me n ****. I also tried a duel with the same ferkin results. i feel like i'm fighting desann in SP all over again. The ***** just can't be beat unless you do the/use the *censored*. I'm also vague as how to upgrade your force powers....cause if it is based on how many pnts you have at the end of each game i'm not going to get anywhere. Sometimes i think i'm lucky when i kill someone. Just someone please explain to me the online physics of JK2. Cause i can't seem to find any rythm in the MP side of it at all. I'd hate to have such a sour taste in my mouth for long after such a sweet SP experience


Thanks for any help


Peace out

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I dont want to sound mean or anything, but have you tried reading the manual. I'm a pretty avid gamer and even some points needed to be explained to me. For example i JUST found out that you can open the supply crates in SP. (helps alot on jedi master :))

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