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Help with Force Powers

Guest bernluk

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Guest bernluk

If you try spawning in extra characters like Luke or some of the Jedi in SP, you see that they can utilize more force moves that you can't do, for example:


1. Cartwheeling through the air

2. Jumping laterally to a position, without going up really high in the air (sort of like using a wood club in golf as opposed to using a pitching wedge)

3. Jumping REALLY high (much higher than you can jump)


Does anyone have a clue as to how you can do these things?


Plus, I'm having trouble blocking lightsaber slashes...it seems that it's a bit different to DF2 JK, even if I just stand there facing the enemy, I can't block all of his/her attacks....

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I can't say that much about the cartwheel, it's still a hot topic around here wether the player can perform it or it is just an NPC animation (but it looks like there is no way), similar things can be said about the superjump.


As for saber defense, you have noticed that it is classified as a forcepower in the 'inventory' and will improve to level3 with the time. I always found staying in motion helpful, never just stand in front of an opponent and let him hack away - Kyle won't be able block everything, even on saber-defense lvl3.




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Guest bernluk

I've been checking a few of the other posts, and one thread mentioned two things I'm curious about, the bunny hopping thing, and the roll (I presume this is the #2 thing from my earlier post that I was wondering about). Could someone please let me know how to do these things?

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Guest bernluk

I'm not talking about that roll...I'm talking about the one where the really good jedi (try spawning in like Luke) can roll through the air REALLY fast without going up really high.


Oh, and Raith? I just tried the "bunny hopping" (aka strafe jumping), and I've come to one conclusion: you're absolutely right...it is lame.

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There are skill levels in having a lightsaber duel. To block any attacks (or all) You must have level 3 defensive to block all of the blows from your lightsaber foe. Also this defense level can block almost any blaster fire. Just watch out for turret and those rifles from Nar Shadaa, you cannot block those.:D

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...those rifles from Nar Shadaa, you cannot block those


Yep, but there is a way to even dodge those - simlpy push force sight up to level3 and activate it. The player will automatically avoid most sniper shots. Nifty when you want to take out some particularly annoying camper. :D




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