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Mp strategy.....


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OK all u QUAKE lovin fraggers who cant get enough of those big guns......ive got a big suprise coming for u.


The only force powers u have to equip fully of course, is jump, push, pull, grip and if u suck at the game drain. Drain is a bit cowardly i think, but can come in handy.


What many people out there has not yet realised is that pull is an excellent defensive force whenever those quake boys charges on with their BFG 2000 or whatever. You can quite easily pull the gun from their greasy fingers and often into your own......MUUAAAHAHAHA.....also its great for pulling people of ledges as it works from quite far away. Push is.....well....the central force to use well. We all know that it works against grip but also works defensively by reversing those big(my penis is to small) rocket lovin fired rockets and grenades.....

Grip is just perfect for disposing of the idiots who havent quite figured out yet what to do once on a ledge or walkway...(e.g. ns_streets) throw them into oblivion with that grip.....they are like a cat in a tree....(got up there, dunno what to do)...MUUUHAAAHAHAHAHA....also grip can be equipped together with the devestating sentry cannon.....line those bastards up inffront of it with a mean grip and watch them squirm.....;-).


You must remember however to move around in circles while gripping or a more experienced enemy will push u!!


Finally there is another thing that keeps my evil and sadistic smile intact in mp games. People does not seem to have figured out that there is an alternative fire to the rocket launcher.......IDIOTS.

For those of you who hasnt noticed, holding the alternative fire button whille pointing at an enemy will start a "homing cursor" (forgive my english i am danish) to become active. When it goes active u can release the button and unleah almost certain death on your unsuspecting enemy who thinks he is home free having jumped the missiles trajectory......KEEP OOKING OVER THOSE SHOULDERS is all i have to say.....THAT MISSILE WILL FIND ITS WAY UP HIS ASS SOON ENOUGH.....MUAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHA...


welll...that was a long post. Hope anyone can use it....i keep winning with it and so should yall......


We have Wayz of Makin U TalK

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