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Who should be the enemies in the expansion pack?


Who should be the main baddies?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be the main baddies?

    • Renegade Jedi/Sith
    • Imperial Remnant
    • Yuuzhan Vong
    • Bounty Hunter's Guild
    • Someone new/else

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Originally posted by Creston



Ohhhh, so the people at LucasArts totally RIPPED off Salvatore's work, then decided it might actually be a good idea to ask him to write the first part of this new series, since it was all his anyways?


The Yuuzhan Vong, and their Tentacle Rods / whatever staffs, are a WORD FOR WORD rewrite of his Drow in his Dark Elf series.

A writer who writes the first chapter in a new series always has some leeway in deciding what goes where, who does what etc. If it had all been outlined inch by inch, Salvatore would never have agreed to write it (why type out another man's scenario?).

In fact, I really got the idea, when Stackpole and Luceno wrote the next two chapters in the series, they really had to struggle to overcome some of the more absurd ideas that Salvatore had created.


Salvatore should NEVER have started writing science fiction, because he hasn't got the slightest clue of what is generally accepted within Sci fi, and what should be relegated to the realm of Fantasy. He turned star wars into fantasy, and a rather bad fantasy at that. FFS, do people actually read this New Jedi Order crap, and think "Cool, these staffs of theirs spit poison at people, then change into whips to whip people, THEN become so hard they can block lightsabers! This is sooooo cool!"

Can we at least TRY to stay in a technological setting here please?


Do you actually know the official difference between the two? The definition given by Orson Scott Card's "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy" is :


When a story follows what are currently deemed as universal laws, it's science fiction.

If it goes beyond that, it's fantasy.


I will make an exception for the Force, as it was included in the movies, and it's hard to write books in the StarWars universe without including The Force. (which in a lot of people's opinions had more of a religious theme to it rather than a magical one.)


I'm not saying that the JK series are devoid of any flaws, and yes, I had noticed the cortosis "error" as well.


And I'd rather have a moon sized space station and an interdictor cruiser (what's wrong with either idea, I wonder?), then have creatures that can actually CREATE black holes at whim, AND pull on gravity fields that are a galaxial span away.


Hey, an interdictor cruiser does so by powering up FOUR gravity generators. it takes them a long time to do so, and it's hardly fool proof. These creatures think, and pop, instant black hole. Need to destroy a planet? Put a creature on it, then have it draw the moon onto it.

Hell, why stop at a moon? have it drop the damn SUN on the planet!


Jedi Outcast still adheres to established Star Wars sci fi canon, as to what's possible and what's not. Yes, I thought the crystal thing was a bit farfetched, but then again, it DIDN'T work. They needed the power of the Valley of the Jedi before it worked.


I better stop ranting, my blood pressure gets too high :D




Actually, in the NJO series I found Stackpole to have the biggest evidence that the writers were basically told basics and then told "Alright, your part of the story begins here. It will include this, and end with this. Get cracking on it" Why? because

In the end of Stackpole's books where Corran Horn defeats the Yuzhan Vong guy to save the planet what happens? They just launch a missile and destroy it anyhow. Above and beyond that, they manage to do this with FLEETS of ships who were doing one thing and one thing only. WATCHING FOR A MISSILE OR ATTACK FROM THE VONG SO THEY COULD INTERCEPT IT



Also, in your post you mention the difference between Science-Fiction and Fantasy. Guess what, you made a mistake that a lot of people have done. Star Wars is NOT Science Fiction. Star Wars is Futuristic Fantasy. Not all Fantasy has to be in the past with Dragons, it can take place in the future just as well. Why is Star Wars fantasy? Because it goes beyond common accepted laws for reality and the like. (Such as being able to see concentrated light fire off. Or the force, or how lightsabers don't generate any heat aside from in the core). There is technology in it, but basically it explains how this technology works by going "Hey, it's a futuristic setting, deal with it" not by actually using scientific laws to explain it.


I personally love the New Jedi Order series. Why? Because for one, at least now, other people are stepping up to be the "heroes of the galaxy" and letting the 40-60 year old Han Solo, Lei Organa-Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Mara Jade-Skywalker take a rest more in the backround. They still do stuff, but at least lately, center-stage has been all about the younger Jedi and the like (y'know the Kyp Durons, Jacen/Jaina/Anakin Solos, etc).


I also like the NJO because of the Yuzhan Vong, I like how they act (and no, I didn't think they acted like Drow at all. Quite the opposite really. If they were like the Drow from Salvatore's Dark Elf Trilogy then they would constantly be going at each other, trying to stab the next in command in the back so they could have that rank and power. They're(the Vong) quite an honorable people, even if their code of honor is a little skewed).


Finally, the NJO is Star Wars but a bit darker. People die, and they're not always the bad guys either. I've been surprised several times with turn of events which for the most part are believable (the exception being the Stackpole event I mentioned above in the spoiler tags).


If you don't like the New jedi Order. Than that is your business and I will respect it. Just don't think I'm going to let you slander (or at least I perceived it as that) one of my favorite series in Star Wars and not fire back with what I think is good.


And on a last point. I think Vector Prime is the best book in the NJO series, simply because as the first book in the series it can stand on it's own a lot better than the others can, and because

While bad stuff happens, in the end the good guys won, I'm as much for bad guys winning as anyone, but it still kinda sucks seeing everyone try their best, and apparently win, only to start the next book, or finish the book with them even worse off then they were before.



And I'm finished (I'm sure those who actually read the whole thing are thankful)

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a diffrent point of view story could be done, it would involve your last few moments in the academy, Luke would dislike Desann because he was a lizard, if you look you notice everyone in the academy is a human. the part where desann kills the jedi could be in self defense, and desann turns dark after being exiled. it would probably end with desann being injured by kyle, then turning back to the light side after he was healed by a ex-academy guy who was also exiled.

those are the parts that would be put in, adding a bit of sadness to the story.


sound good?

mostly I would just enjoy being a big lizard.

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hm, deliriu already said it. the story arc was worked out before, the main events were worked out before and i hope nobody starting a new series would be stupid enough to say 'ok, you just make something up and we'll go from there'..


as he said: sw is NOT sci-fi. they dont even bother to explain why it's lightspeed and hyperspace in the movies though its two completely different concepts. they dont explain how a lightsaber can actually work the way it does. its space fantasy and therefore most of you're 'all that crap is fantasy and doesnt fit in a sci-fi setting'-arguments dont work ,-)


just in case, i looked up the people you have to blame for the yv and whatever you hate about them:



>Editors from LucasBooks and Del Rey, together with several authors helped design an alien menace worthy of the New Republic heroes.<

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

The HUTTS!!!!!!!

Word. This would be great, just to fight a Rancor. But, you could go bust up a Hutt syndicate.


Perhaps the Hutts criminal influence reach the

vacation spot Kyle and Jan are at after Outcast and something happens and Jan ends up dieing for real.

Then Kyle could, first, do things to pi$$ off the Hutt or Hutts in question(because Luke says killing the Hutts is wrong), like sabotage their businesses. Then the Hutts could send bounty hunters after you. You could tie in the 'main' SW characters by Kyle finding out there is a spy in their midst( a big money maker for the Hutt, or personal?) and he goes to Coruscant(sp?) to take out the spy, then you can go to the Hutts themselves and hook up some a$$ whipping, Luke be damned, they sent Bounty Hunters after you. That just pushes Kyle over the edge.

And at the end, after the Hutt or Hutts in question are dead, and since Kyle is so full of Rage and revenge, you have to fight Luke. Well Im stuck as to how to get out of that situation, I just wanted to fight Luke. I think Kyle should turn to the dark side. Like Yoda said, once you start down that path, forever will it rule your destiny. Something like that.


Yeah my thoughts are all over, it's just an initial thought. I also thought of Hutts after reading the poll question. It could be a real winner.





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If there is an expansion pack, which they will make if the game sells, which it has, then i rekon it should have multiple ending type thing(like in jk1) because i really liked that in the game, this will make the game last longer aswell. it could start AFTER JK2 u could start in a big town with loadsa civillians(cos i was upset that there wasnt a level with civillians running around) and if you start killing them all then some guards could come and attack you and you kill them and then you go to the dark side, you visit luke go to the valley of the jedi use the crystals to make jan a reborn, get nifty cortosis armor and get rid of ALL light jedi. alternativley you could not kill any civillians and meet up with lando who takes you to cloud city where you are captured by remnant forces, lando apologises, you rescue jan who wants to be a jedi, she trains, with the valleys power of course, becomes a jedi goes to the dark side and you rescue her and change her, or kill her. THE END like it, ud better

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I'd have to go Jedi vs Sith as well. I mean the number one thing that sets this game apart from the rest of the FPS out there is it's extensive lightsaber system. If they released an expansion pack, they could expand on the sabre system, tweak/add/remove force abilities, add higher levels, and shove 10 or 20 new Jedi/Sith oriented models down our throat. And add a cloak and removable hood option as well. I for one would love to see an official Exar Kun or Freedon Nadd model... *sigh*

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>Star Wars is so good it doesn't need an original stoy line<

no comment... well, ok.. star wars without its story line would be just another useless movie with nothing but effects.


if you prefer to have another sith lord coming round the corner every week (that was totally unknown before).. or an imperial military genius or superweapon that's fine, but i hope a lot of people DO get bored if it's the same all over again.


either get rid of the old 'sith, empire, superweapon'-stuff or forget kyle and choose a setting where you dont need silly plot devices (like making something like 'kitchen-made dark jedi').


i guess it's simple: you want a lightsaber in this game so there should be a good reason to have one. the two reasons are either yv or a bunch of dark jedi. the games are still part of the eu and therefore have to fit in there (no killing off luke or mara etc.)

so it's either going back to a time where we had a lot of sith or forward where we have the yv. i dont care which one it is just dont pull another evil jedi out the hat ,-(

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

i really doubt that jo will get an expansion pack...but i wouldnt be disappointed if i was wrong...(however i wouldnt play it much because by the time it came out i would be playing better games)


Dude, do you know anything about Expansion Packs? Pretty much all sucessful games get them.



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Originally posted by Creston

He turned star wars into fantasy, and a rather bad fantasy at that.


Star Wars is Science Fantasy. Have you never noticed this?



Originally posted by Creston

FFS, do people actually read this New Jedi Order crap, and think "Cool, these staffs of theirs spit poison at people, then change into whips to whip people, THEN become so hard they can block lightsabers! This is sooooo cool!"

Can we at least TRY to stay in a technological setting here please?


Why? Nothing else in Star Wars does. This isn't Star Trek my friend, not everything has to make sense and/or be technically explained. They use Organic Tech, so they can "grow" anything. Thats all we need to know.


Originally posted by Creston

When a story follows what are currently deemed as universal laws, it's science fiction.

If it goes beyond that, it's fantasy.


When Star Wars starts obeying the laws of Physics, Conservation of Matter/Energy and the Laws of Thermodynamics, you tell me ok?


Originally posted by Creston

I will make an exception for the Force, as it was included in the movies, and it's hard to write books in the StarWars universe without including The Force. (which in a lot of people's opinions had more of a religious theme to it rather than a magical one.)


Really? Then what are all those "Tales" and "Bounty Hunter" books doing?


Originally posted by Creston

I'm not saying that the JK series are devoid of any flaws, and yes, I had noticed the cortosis "error" as well.


So what's your problem? Let's face facts here. The Star Wars novels were STAGNANT! Not a single galaxy shaking thing has happened since Crix Madine kicked the bucket (and even that wasn't galaxy shaking).


Every Star Wars book had some new Imperial Threat, some new Alien Threat, or some new Rebellious Threat that was wiped out by the end of the novel/trilogy. The clock was "reset" (for lack of a better expression). Nothing mattered. Great, the Yvethans (SP??) got a BIG fleet of ISDs and other Imperial Craft, they threaten the New Republic. End of book three the bad guys are gone and everyone lives hapily ever after.


NJO through all that out the window when a moon landed on Chewie. In the NJO books, things don't "reset" at the end, things that happen matter for the next books. It involved something sorely lacking in the earlier SW books any form of continuity AT ALL.


At least KJA (as bad as people claim him to be) TRIED to include other people's characters in his stories (Mara, Callista). While other writers just ignored other things and concentrated on their own characters and the established one (one book gave Mara a cameo, that's it!).


Originally posted by Creston

And I'd rather have a moon sized space station and an interdictor cruiser (what's wrong with either idea, I wonder?), then have creatures that can actually CREATE black holes at whim, AND pull on gravity fields that are a galaxial span away.


So you're angry about the Tech they're using? Look, I'm not wild about Organic Tech either (it got boring in Babylon 5) but at least if made SW interesting again.


Originally posted by Creston

Jedi Outcast still adheres to established Star Wars sci fi canon, as to what's possible and what's not. Yes, I thought the crystal thing was a bit farfetched, but then again, it DIDN'T work. They needed the power of the Valley of the Jedi before it worked.


Except that it doesn't. If features a Battle that, for some reason, is never mentioned anywhere else in SW history, and it's another case of "Big Bad guy coming to kill everyone in great new evil plot, but everything's put right to the way it was by the end".


Where's the ending where Dessan gets back up and makes a run for it. Where's the final scene where we see Tavion swearing revenge against you? There isn't one. You know why? Because like everything else, the clock gets reset.


Thank goodness for NJO, otherwise I'd have no reason to read all the books between Planet of Twilight and Spectres of the Past.



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As another post suggested how about playing as a sith instead for once. Let us show them the power of the dark side!


And most definately I think the whole Smuggler/Jedi is getting tired. I would like to see a more Jedi or Sith game not a Han Solo got merged with Luke style game.

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with the following this game has, i'm betting on there being an expansion :p


personaly, i say stormtroopers, you can't go wrong with stormtroopers :p



aas for those listed above, i'm not a starwars fanatic that reads all of the books, heck, i've only gotten half way through Shadows of the Empire before i moved on to better books such as Rainbow Six :p

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Originally posted by L2.0

I'd have to go Jedi vs Sith as well. I mean the number one thing that sets this game apart from the rest of the FPS out there is it's extensive lightsaber system. If they released an expansion pack, they could expand on the sabre system, tweak/add/remove force abilities, add higher levels, and shove 10 or 20 new Jedi/Sith oriented models down our throat. And add a cloak and removable hood option as well. I for one would love to see an official Exar Kun or Freedon Nadd model... *sigh*


Couldn't agree more. I reckon a FPS based on the Old Republic or earlier (not a RPG as in the in-development Knights of the Old Republic) would be fantastic. Heaps of Jedi, and plenty of potential for Sith and other enemies as well.


I still remember being blown away when I first read the Tales of the Jedi comics set about a thousand years before SW: ANH. The battles, etc in those seemed so much better than any of the jedi stuff in the original trilogy.

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Originally posted by enDless_Deliriu

Guess what, you made a mistake that a lot of people have done. Star Wars is NOT Science Fiction. Star Wars is Futuristic Fantasy. Not all Fantasy has to be in the past with Dragons, it can take place in the future just as well.


You're right, but Star Wars is actualy set in the past.


A LONG TIME AGO in a galaxy far, far away. . .

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Stay on topic? Why? :D


Whooo, a lot of NJO fans here, I have put my foot in it this time ;)


I'll try to address the points raised, but I don't think I have the time to go over all of it, and I can't get the first page back while I'm typing this so I'll probably miss a whole lot of stuff :)


Futuristic Fantasy : Actually, I think the true official term of the star wars movies as it was dubbed so long ago was Space Opera. I'll readily admit it's not 100% pure science fiction, such as Timothy Zahn normally writes, for example. The Force is one thing that would make it impossible.

Pretty much everything else IS science fiction though. Sure, we don't have lightsabers (yet), but then again, neither do we have lasers that can just kill people. We do readily accept that those WILL become available in "the future". Why not a concept such as a lightsaber?


The difference between hyperspace and lightspeed... I'm not sure if that's even really in there. The ships travel through hyperspace, I think they used the "It'll make point five past lightspeed" things merely to express a measure of speed amongst different vessels. Hyperspace, despite us having no single shred of evidence or theories or whatever even pointing at it's existence, is still considered valid science fiction theory. (In fact, most of the sci fi writers consider Star Trek's "Faster Than Light Travel" to be absolutely taboo.)


But lets look at the rest of the star wars universe as it's made in the movies. It's all technological. All of it. (The Force excepted) Yes, it's going to be a pretty far fetched piece of technology to create a laser that can make a planet explode, but at least it has it's origin within technology. With said origin within technology, and for the most part, believable technology, you have a firmly established foothold within the Science fiction setting. (btw, nowhere did I say that fantasy must automatically use Dragons or anything.)


Now, before I go on, let me say that I have no problem with the "biological" aspect of the Yuuzhan Vong.

They grow their ships? Fine by me.

The things I have problems with are this :


- Creatures drawing on gravity fields galaxial spans away. The power level of these creatures is probably greater than that of the Force combined.

- Amphistaffs / Tentacle Rods. Drow / Yuuzhan Vong.

The drow constantly are backstabbing each other? Correct. Aren't the Yuuzhan Vong doing the same? Aren't they also jockying for position amongst themselves, lethally if need be? (I've only read the first five novels, got disgusted with it at the end). In my view, they are one and the same. I was half surprised that the Yuuzhan Vong deity wasn't called Volth or something..


The whole enemy was conceived by several authors and editors together. Yes, I am not countering this, I'm not saying that Salvatore came up with them all by himself. What I'm saying, is that as the FIRST writer in the series, HE had to set the tone for what they were and how they behaved and such. You cannot tell me that you actually believe that any of them (or at least 90% of them), the writers, would actually WRITE these books if they had been told LINE BY LINE what they could and could not write about. They are WRITERS, not REPORTERS.

As such, Salvatore was brought in to write the first chapter, and to fleshen out the Yuuzhan Vong. And how did he do it? By reaching back, and grabbing his drow. COME ON! The staffs SPIT POISON (like the tentacle rods), they turn into WHIPS (like the tentacle rods) and they become hard as steel (like the tentacle rods). HELLO?


- Black holes created at whim, then closed again at whim. By the same creatures that pull on a different galaxy, and crash moons on planets. FFS, it CRASHES a moon ONTO A PLANET. What are they, Q?? Why don't these creatures simply pull Roque Squadron into a collision with one of their ships? Why don't they just clump them all together and crush them where they are? Why don't they just RULE THE UNIVERSE?? :D


These are SUCH deviations from the original setting that it might as well be a completely different universe.

Not everybody will see this as a problem, all well and fine, we're all entitled to our own opinions. I don't see how it's actually Star Wars anymore..


Now, the point about the NJO not resetting the clock is a good one, and one that I hadn't really considered. I don't agree that EVERY book in the "normal" series (to call them that) completely ignores the others, but that was a pretty big problem. After writer X's trilogy was over, the status quo was restored. This is a very good point.

Unfortunately, the NJO takes it way too far to the other side. In the NJO, NOTHING gets resolved. After five books, the new republic had not done a single goddamn thing, apart from killing a Yuuzhan Vong in single combat here and there. Oh, and they fought one battle where they drove off a minor Yuuzhan Vong cruiser or something. And that's it.


Isn't this the total other end of the pendulum? WTF happened to all the sector fleets? To the supposed 25000 star destroyers the empire had, and of which an xxx number had been captured by the New Republic, and an xxx number of which were still in command by the Imperial Remnant. Where are all the Mon Cal cruisers? WHERE is the Republic's fleet?

WHY IN YODA'S NAME is the ONE man / Bothan who has consistently been screwing the New Republic over and over (Borsk Fei'lya) now in CHARGE??


Setting up a new menace for the "heroes" to overcome is great, but deliberately making them do stupid things over and over again just so the plot continues is a little bit too much, I would think.

The NJO series is now at.. book 11 or so? Has the New Republic actually DONE anything by this time? Or are the sector fleets still mysteriously absent from any of the fighting, and is Rogue Squadron still the only one actually engaging anybody?



That new heroes are coming up and the torch has been passed on IS a good thing, I will readily agree to that. It was high time that Jaina and Jacen started doing something, although Jacen's whining about how there should be another way really started getting on my nerve after two pages, and it's nice to read about different heroes.

But then again, what real point did Chewie's death serve? To show that they weren't invincible? Alright, they did that. Then what? Han gets a new sidekick. Another alien whom he saved.

Oh wow, great. Talk about resetting the clock.


Personally, I would have been fine with it ending after Vision of the Future, and then the NJO could have been written in a whole new universe. Or we could have had books about the Sith War.

They wanted to do something completely new, BUT with the added sales of it still being about Han and Luke and Leia.



And I'm curious. Who actually gets killed in Star by Star? If you know, put it in a spoiler box for me, or personal message me with it, if you would please. :)


Once again, no offense intended to any of you, guys, I just enjoy having a good argument (and slamming Salvatore <G>).



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Originally posted by Creston

Pretty much everything else IS science fiction though. Sure, we don't have lightsabers (yet), but then again, neither do we have lasers that can just kill people. We do readily accept that those WILL become available in "the future". Why not a concept such as a lightsaber?


because just like light speed you will never get a laser to just end at a certain point. would have been if the would never had used the term laser sword in the movies, as there might at least in theory be ways to create similar effects with plasma.


The difference between hyperspace and lightspeed... I'm not sure if that's even really in there. The ships travel through hyperspace, I think they used the "It'll make point five past lightspeed" things merely to express a measure of speed amongst different vessels.


im pretty sure they talk about the 'jump to lightspeed' more than once.


i just cant get around it that somehow you say 'its ok if its a machine doing silly things but not acceptable if its done by a creature'


The whole enemy was conceived by several authors and editors together. Yes, I am not countering this, I'm not saying that Salvatore came up with them all by himself. What I'm saying, is that as the FIRST writer in the series, HE had to set the tone for what they were and how they behaved and such. You cannot tell me that you actually believe that any of them (or at least 90% of them), the writers, would actually WRITE these books if they had been told LINE BY LINE what they could and could not write about. They are WRITERS, not REPORTERS.


rip off or not, im quite sure their beliefs, looks and weapons have been worked out together. doesnt mean that salvatore wasnt the one coming up with most of it but he did so in advance with the others agreeing to it.


- Black holes created at whim, then closed again at whim. By the same creatures that pull on a different galaxy, and crash moons on planets. FFS, it CRASHES a moon ONTO A PLANET. What are they, Q?? Why don't these creatures simply pull Roque Squadron into a collision with one of their ships? Why don't they just clump them all together and crush them where they are? Why don't they just RULE THE UNIVERSE?? :D


a moon has its orbit, the balance point where it's not crashing down and not just flying away. disturb it and you get result (this procedure took months of getting it a little closer every time it came by and didnt just pull it down within a few minutes).

yes, the whole idea of creating singularities at will is hard to believe, but so are gravity well generating ships (use them in a system and you'll have quite a mess *fg*).


These are SUCH deviations from the original setting that it might as well be a completely different universe.

Not everybody will see this as a problem, all well and fine, we're all entitled to our own opinions. I don't see how it's actually Star Wars anymore..


might be the reason why you dont like it but also the reason many others do. its totally different and some are glad not to read the same stuff over and over again.


Unfortunately, the NJO takes it way too far to the other side. In the NJO, NOTHING gets resolved. After five books, the new republic had not done a single goddamn thing, apart from killing a Yuuzhan Vong in single combat here and there. Oh, and they fought one battle where they drove off a minor Yuuzhan Vong cruiser or something. And that's it.


yep, the republic is not doing much, but thats an important part of the story. and it explains were your fleets are. every senator wants to guard HIS world, withdraws HIS fleets to protect his world and therefore every world has a few ships while they cant form a big enough fleet to defend more than a handful of worlds.


But then again, what real point did Chewie's death serve? To show that they weren't invincible? Alright, they did that. Then what? Han gets a new sidekick. Another alien whom he saved.

Oh wow, great. Talk about resetting the clock.


dont worry, he will be around for exactly those 2 books and then leave.


And I'm curious. Who actually gets killed in Star by Star? If you know, put it in a spoiler box for me, or personal message me with it, if you would please. :)


hope the spoiler shows up correcty, else stop reading here *gg*




anakin will die, jacen is captured, jaina will spend some time pretty much on the darker side of the force.

i hope i'm not telling too much but i guess you dont plan to read the books anyway *g*



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I don't recall the term "lasersword" ever being used in the movie, just in the german version of it..


Jump to lightspeed. Ok. True. They still go into "hyperspace" but it was stupid to say something like that.

Otoh, the speed of light HAS been broken, and I've never been that big an advocate of this so called lightspeed barrier. But that's a whole different discussion :)


A machine doing silly things or a creature doing silly things don't make too much difference to me, it's just that when these creatures start doing REALLY weird things is that it's starting to tick me off. A gravity well projector so the safety in your hyperdrive engines prevent you from jumping to hyperspace is one thing. A creature popping out a black hole that eats JUST the lasers fired at your ship, and then being able to close it again at will is a whole 'nother ballgame.



Thanks for the spoiler, that IS quite surprising.. They sure are ragging on Han huh?

Hmmm to the darker side.. That does peek my interest... Grr.. Maybe I'll get another book in the series :D



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Originally posted by Creston

Stay on topic? Why?


Because this thread was developing into a quality brain-storm on fun ideas for an expansion pack.... until you goobers decided to turn it into a debate about fantasy vs. sci fi (SNOOOORE)... that debate has been done in PLENTY of OTHER threads. :mad:

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The expansion pack should be an imperial campaign, like TIE fighter. That would be way cooler than another 500 stormtroopers to kill. Anyone who played TIE fighter knows what I mean. It was ay better than X-wing, even though it was essentially the same game, just because it was cool to be the imperials.

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id like to c a game that focuses on jedi fightin, no guns allowed

like in the films, u dont see obi-wan or qui-gon pulling out a blaster do u!

id like a game where there is just alot of jedi fightin ,but with a good storyline(if thats possible), but u get to fight enemies with guns, but u cant use the guns, like the films

ewoks have to be involved somewhere in the storyline, in fact id like to b a ewok dark jedi:ewok:

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IMHO, I voted the Yuuzhan Vong. They'd make nifty enemies and they ARE the main thing at the moment.




Besides, SOMEone has to make them sorry that they killed Chewie, captured Coruscant, and poked holes in Anakin Solo. :mad:


<end spoiler.>



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