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Who should be the enemies in the expansion pack?


Who should be the main baddies?  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be the main baddies?

    • Renegade Jedi/Sith
    • Imperial Remnant
    • Yuuzhan Vong
    • Bounty Hunter's Guild
    • Someone new/else

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Rebel Dream ,newest one, is my new favorite NJO book. Crammed with action and Luke....


Possible Spoiler!!!!!!






Not Sure!!!!!!!!!!






But it might be!!!!!!!!!!!







So im doing this!!!!!!



says he sences a rising evil on the destroyed planet of corosaunt and hes leading a strike team to corosaunt, weeee

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I figured if they made an expansion pack it'd just be about mopping up the rest of the reborn. Luke says in the game they have no idea how many desann made. Maybe there's some left in the valley of the jedi or somewhere- maybe Tavion is leading them now.


Or they could just grab as many user made levels as they can cram onto a CD and market it as an original product without paying anybody the way ID used to do with doom "addons". That's always fun too

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farmerbob: its not about scifi/fantasy, but if the yv and the njo are 'ok' and therefore an option to use in the expansion


Originally posted by Creston

I don't recall the term "lasersword" ever being used in the movie, just in the german version of it..


watch tpm when anakin says he's seen qui gons 'lasersword'. i thought it would be a stupid translation too, but it's in the english version.


A machine doing silly things or a creature doing silly things don't make too much difference to me, it's just that when these creatures start doing REALLY weird things is that it's starting to tick me off. A gravity well projector so the safety in your hyperdrive engines prevent you from jumping to hyperspace is one thing. A creature popping out a black hole that eats JUST the lasers fired at your ship, and then being able to close it again at will is a whole 'nother ballgame.


in fact those 'black holes' are so tiny that they just disappear by themself after swallowing the energy of the shot (as a black hole would if enough matter/energy would go in there)


Thanks for the spoiler, that IS quite surprising.. They sure are ragging on Han huh?

Hmmm to the darker side.. That does peek my interest... Grr.. Maybe I'll get another book in the series :D


as someone already said: those are only the 'minor' bad things that happen. maybe you should read star by star, it has the stuff of the spoiler and you will get rid of a certain...


nobody can stand anyway *fg*.


they would make nice enemies, not so helpless like stormtroopers *g*. question is: do we want kyle to be part of the story and limit the time frame and possibilities? or just do something new?

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Originally posted by farmerBob


Because this thread was developing into a quality brain-storm on fun ideas for an expansion pack.... until you goobers decided to turn it into a debate about fantasy vs. sci fi (SNOOOORE)... that debate has been done in PLENTY of OTHER threads. :mad:


Oh, I'm so sorry farmerBob, I didn't realise we needed YOUR permission in order to be able to post something. Can I please post this? Pretty please?


If you don't want to read my discussions, then do NOT read them. Is it so hard?


And yes, that debate has been done in plenty of other threads. Now it's being redone here. So what? The "what would we like to see in an expansion pack" has been done five times before as well. By your logic, this 'quality brain-storm' of yours shouldn't be happening either.


Attention everyone. farmerBob has degreed that from now on, we can ONLY post things that nobody else has posted before. So only NEW things from now on. Take it away Bob.






If I just get Star by Star, is it going to make sense? Or do the few books in between Luceno's two books and Star by Star have a whole lot of changes in them?




Oh btw, a black hole that is fed energy does not dwindle away. For a really good science fiction use of singularities / black holes, check out David Brin's "Earth". Brin, unlike a whole slew of other writers, at least KNOWS science when he writes about it. Alternatively, I believe space.com has a very interesting section on black hole theories.


But I think we have debated this issue long enough, and Bob has forbidden us to talk about stuff that has been done before...



Still, IF there IS an expansion pack (I do hope so), I doubt it will be about the Yuuzhan Vong. It doesn't really tie in with Jedi Outcast at all, I mean, JO is 8 years after Endor or so, the NJO doesn't start until 25 years after Endor. That's quite a jump in between a main game and an expansion pack.

I think the expansion pack would most likely focus on Tavion and some of the Reborn, and hopefully have some of the more terrific ideas people have been posting for multiplayer (ie, Jedi's vs Bountyhunters and such, where the BH have jetpacks, grappling hooks and other such items to counter the Force the Jedi use).

One thing I DO hope for the possible expansion pack, is that the difficulty level is ramped up a little. Once you have your lightsaber, the stormtroopers are absolutely no more challenge, and wading through another ten levels of them isn't really going to be all that amazing anymore this time around.

I was also kinda disappointed that there weren't any battles against Yavin wildlife in the game. Fighting the Rancor in MotS was pretty awesome, I would have very much enjoyed something similar in JO (how about a few Wampa's? :D)



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Originally posted by GRIMLOCK

with the following this game has, i'm betting on there being an expansion :p


personaly, i say stormtroopers, you can't go wrong with stormtroopers :p



aas for those listed above, i'm not a starwars fanatic that reads all of the books, heck, i've only gotten half way through Shadows of the Empire before i moved on to better books such as Rainbow Six :p


Don't judge all the books on Shadows. At best (IMHO) it wasn't that great a book really. Dash Rendar was just a cheap replacement Han Solo (c'mon, he even flew a Corellian Freighter, just the next model up (the YT-1300 I believe, cuz the M.F. is a 1200) and all that.


If you want to read a good series of books for Star Wars though, I highly recommend the Thrawn trilogy (my title for it, the books are Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and the Last Command) these books take place 5 years after RoTJ and are pretty good.



As for Star Wars continuity in other books, thats very true, and the reason was fairly simple. While the Lucas lawyers and Lucas had the fore-sight to say that Star Wars books contradict themselves (as in, if I make a book set 10 years after where Luke is alive and well, you can't kill him in your book set only 8 years after. Unless you get that book written before anyone else makes a book with Luke more than 8 years after) they didn't make it so that you couldn't make a book that takes place before another book that's already out.


As such, we have Han and Leia married in the Thrawn trilogy, but no mention about what really happened. You have to read Courtship of Princess Leia (which came out later) to find out what happened with that.


Almost none of the books reference Shadows of the Empire because a good amount of them came out before Shadows was written. The Corellian Trilogy doesn't reference to the Dark Fleet trilogy, again, because of when they came out.


The New Jedi Order though (I have to mention it again) does away with this. It's set 25-30 years after, it's the first books there, they're also the most recent books out aside from ones that take place before a New Hope. They're also the only books coming out that I'm aware of, so guess what? They are referencing back to all the earlier books, they're referencing back to each other, and they're doing a good job of it. Every author who has written in it, while using primarily their own chars or the movie chars are being forced to use characters that other people made up. And in a way it's giving all the characters more depth as various people add to it. Oh and

read further if you've already read Star by Star. But who was the bastiche who decided to kill Anakin off? I'm going to kill them! Kill Jacen off, he's relatively pointless but still gives the emotional drama, while kill Anakin? He was cool, he was the lean mean Vong ass kicking machine! His death was practically pointless as well, wasn't even a heroic last stand to get the rest of the team out. Grr! MUST KILL PEOPLE FOR THAT MISTAKE! (unless they bring him back because of the Force realizing that he has to be bad ass some more..but that could also be cheesy)


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hm, now i have to read up on black holes and singularities *g* i just believed that, because it worked like that in the books and was described like that in a more serious article about black holes.


i think you only missed two books. and whatever happened there should be mentioned in star by star again anyway. if you have too much money you could buy the njo sourcebook that gives a nice overview over everything that happened up to star by star (but i think its too expensive if you dont play the game *g*)


and i agree that if they stick with kyle as the hero the yv are too far in the future and they would waste a lot of time in between that could be used. tavion and some remaining reborn are most likely, but then: it wouldnt be anything new at all. though i wouldnt mind if i get some decent levels and puzzles (and never have to see level design like the comm-array again.. the devices on a ship should somehow be usable without the need for a force jumping jedi or imperial officers with a jet pack)




the strange thing is that earlier it was 'oh, you and tahiri are so important for this war' and then he just dies. in a 'cool' way but still.. he seemed to be the key to it all, having a better connection through the lambent and close to finding out whats up with the yv and the force.. maybe he will come back to tahiri like obi wan did with luke.. would at least tie in with that 'anakin-tahiri oh so important'-thing.


jacen, well.. not so important right now while being a prisoner so at least he wont open a third jedi-fraction of 'cant decide what to do so i better dont do anything'-guys *g*



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