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What isn't lame?


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Help! Everything i do is lame! Im either swinging too much or being too defensive. All the dark powers get me called a lamer as does force heal. No one likes saber throw or push/pull. I can't strafe jump or roll to much. I can't do anything that isn't exactley like a jedi in a film or it spoils the 'jedi-feel' of it. In fact all i can do without getting called a lamer is lose. Funny that :)

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Lol, let them call you a lamer as you are racking up wins, I usually tell them to deal with it and learn to counter it or to shut up and keep dying. People who whine about these types of things need to host their own games or create private games where they can determine the rules/etc. People who come into public games and whine about stuff like this are the same ones who will be the cheaters (ie Counter-Strike).

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Aparently standing on a ledge with your saber extinguished and not moving with your back to your oponent and only 5 health with no shield is an acceptable tactic. I'll check the servers more to see what else.......

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The above tactic did get me labled as lame after a saber-weilder attempted to strafe-attack me and fell off the ledge. I'll have to try something else... maby standing still in the crush room in ns_hideout....

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Ignore them! I am sick and tired of people calling people lame for using the Force... This is Star Wars people!!! Watch the movies, the force is a big part of it!!


To those that do call people lame for this, do everyone a favour and learn a good key config so you to can use the force. I honestly think these people complainging do it because they don't know how to.


I only play light side, so I don't lightning or grip, but lots do it to me and I applaud them...go ahead throw me off that ledge, that's what Darth Vader or a Sith would do. Tell me that Sith lord wouldn't fry my ass if he had the chance!


In the words of the Obi-- "Use the force Luke"


- Vorax

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Originally posted by D66


The above tactic did get me labled as lame after a saber-weilder attempted to strafe-attack me and fell off the ledge. I'll have to try something else... maby standing still in the crush room in ns_hideout....


No, now your robbing me of frags by not letting me KILL you! :wahhhhhhh:

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I Know I know I know!


Join a server and:




oops No that cant be good either. Cause then they go YOU LAG OUR GAME you (ummm whats the stupid remark?) Noob.


Neh just treat people with respect. If that doesnt work it isn't you. :)

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Worse case scenerio is when you join a server and everyone is calling new rules at the begining of each match.




No Force?


Just Push and Pull O.K?


You ass you used the Force!


It was just a throw.


Push Pull and throw then?




No Push Pull




You ass you used the force!!!


It was a kick




A Kick


How do you Kick?










My suggestion is you pick your serevers better.:boushh:

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My favorite whine is when you are playing a TEAM FFA and your teammates say you steal their kills lol, it is a team game, I am really sure Qui-Gon told that to Obi-Wan after killing Darth Maul...."Dammit Obi-Wan, you stole my kill"


People.....sigh.....it is a team game, individual points really don't matter, the overall team score is what does.

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IMHO the whiners are out of control.


Let's see on just one "Force Only" (and only partial force power at that!) server I got called:


"grip wh0re"

"force wh0re"

"lightning wh0re"

" push wh0re"


They whined about being pushed on "Streets of Bespin".


They whined about lightning users "lagging" the server.

This was a "FORCE ONLY" server!

Then I went on a full weapon server.

Same pathetic bleating about force users. As they ran around and pulverized us with rocket launchers and disrupters.

One guy "Sith something" had "OwnT" scripted and he exclusively used the rocket launcher. Whoosh Boom Kill "OwnT"

As if that took any skill!

I wanted to force grip him for real.



It's pathetic. Just shut up and play. I'm going to have to turn the text chat off.

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The best tactic i think to avoid being called lame is to let people win once in a while against you. If they can get another point against their name off you they'll stop caring weather your following some sort of jedi honour code or not :)

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You mean THIS strip?



Oh and that crush room idea didn't work. I was accused of being lame by "luring" some player into the trap so another "lame" player could trigger the trap and crush us both......



Maby I'll just use the bryaer pistol primary fire exclusivly and stay with that 5 helth with no force powers idea...

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Originally posted by Blitzer

IMHO the whiners are out of control.


Let's see on just one "Force Only" (and only partial force power at that!) server I got called:


"grip wh0re"

"force wh0re"

"lightning wh0re"

" push wh0re"


Q3 players............


They whined about being pushed on "Streets of Bespin".


Hmm..... Can't pace them, muct be newbies......


They whined about lightning users "lagging" the server.


The dreader Diablo II player.........



That wouldn't be a bad idea for a patch, an ignore list for the game. ;)

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I don't play MP as I don't have a fast enough connection. I'm bemused by all the discussions about what is "honorable" and what is "acceptable" or not and to be honest, not sure I'd even want to start playing MP after what I've read. That obviously makes me a lamer for not giving anybody a fair chance to frag my lame ass!


Anyway, isn't it lame and dishonourable to go 2 on 1? What about jumping out of a pit and cutting someone in half while they're turning around?



Dragon : non-MP-playing-wh0re!

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Originally posted by Vorax

...go ahead throw me off that ledge, that's what Darth Vader or a Sith would do. Tell me that Sith lord wouldn't fry my ass if he had the chance!


In the words of the Obi-- "Use the force Luke"


- Vorax

yeah like in sp when u first encounter Dessan, he just goes and grip/lightnings u and chucks u about,

so in these ppls eyes is dessan a 'lamer'?

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Basically it's the "sore loser" syndrome.. if you win or get a point on them, it's because you must somehow not be using proper tactics, or you must be a cheater, or somehow not a good player and dishonest or unfair.


Just ignore them, and if it gets too bad, boot them (if its your server) or find another one (if it's their server). Hopefully they'll either stop whining and just play, the server will boot them for being annoying, or they'll get beaten so badly, they'll just shut up.


I wish people could just try to enjoy the game and lose gracefully now and then. I mean, everybody hates getting their backside handed to them, but then again... if somebody beat me really bad and they were skillful and professional, I'll congratulate them on it (or at least have the courtesy to say "good game" afterward).


It's these people who have to win all the time, at any cost, and then whine and moan when they don't and make excuses, that can ruin it for everyone, so they're best not taken seriously.


I am of the opinion that by playing people with more skill than me, I become better myself, by learning from their example. And if the person is just winning by "trickery" then fine.. I'll learn tricks from him/her by observing, what's the harm in that?


And if somebody gets a lucky kill? Who cares! Good for them! I won't whine about it...


There are people out there that say this and that "takes no skill" and so they whine about it. Tough.. if you can't take losing in a video game, maybe you shouldn't play. ; p

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my official conclusion: everything is lame, and we should all just go play quake. it's the obvious answer.


fun fact: where i come from, mr D66 up there is what's known as a "bandwidth leech", which is coincidentally also considered "lame".

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Desann is a cheating Barney! :D


Btw, D66, the Penny Arcade strips ARE copyrighted, and I'm not sure if Gabe and Tycho would appreciate having their strips posted elsewhere... Just a link should be enough :)

Could you just edit it out? The guys do a great job, and deserve to have people visiting their site (and clicking on their sponsors every once in awhile). Thanks :)


[/shameless Penny Arcade plug]




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Btw, D66, the Penny Arcade strips ARE copyrighted, and I'm not sure if Gabe and Tycho would appreciate having their strips posted elsewhere... Just a link should be enough


Actualy.. Posting a Penny-Arcade strip is pretty much par for the course in online forums. An Old tradition.... Been going on for the 3 or so years that PA has been on the web... Anyway

We arn't talking about SONY or some other "Get your fair use consumer rights off my content" corp... we are talking PA. Jeez

Anyway. They got full credit for the post (see the http://www.penny-arcade.com in the lower right corner? The only way I could be lible for posting that would be to Remove the Trademark in the lower left and the link in the lower right

Wonder how many people today are reading the PA Archives due to reading a random posted PA comic on a forum (Check any and do a search for penny-arcade you would be suprised at how many strips get posted) This is the internet in the digital age. The Free flow of information. Get used to it.

If you like you can forward a link to this board to tyco@penny-arcade.com

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