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Erratic Saber combat part II


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Ok by now I believe that saber fighting can be mastered. So a question to those who did:


How can you correctly aim at a target if your fighter does various forms of swings randomly? If you stand still and push attack he does one of three different swings (forward, a bit sideways left and a bit sideways right. If you strafe left he either does the full circle swing or one of various side swings.


I mean for example I want to run past an opponent at the right and therefore want to do a sideways right swing. But the stupid game lets me swing first left then right or makes the slow circle attack... Shouldn't the moves always be the exact same for each give key combo so that you can time attacks and not be dependent on luck?

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I personally find I get the exact swing I am after 99% of the time. the trick is the timing of the direction-keys (d-keys for short) presses efore you start to swing. You cant press the d-keys required and the attack button at the same time, you need to start moving in that direction slightly before the swing begins. This needs a lot of skill I would imagine during a duel as your mostly got your mind on keeping the other guy in your crosshair to block him and worriing about the timing of your key combos is made second priority.


But what I do is I play single player, load up a level where you have the sabre and find an open area (preferable an outside one - no roof) and practice trying out the attacks so you can work out the exact timing of your movment before starting your swing.


The swing should be done 1/4 of a second after you start moving. And holding down that d-key combo during the swing helps you too.


I love the diagonal back-slashes... very nice move indeed - though a tad tricky as you need to move forward to the enemy then move back+left/right-strafe (the moving forward is to compensate for the moveing backwards to make your slash)


You will need to be able to do all the combos as easy as you can breathe air so when you face wankers who can't fight other then random-swing-style you can devote all attention to facing him all the time, and let your combo-swing-instinct take over your offensive side


I hope i am not confusing you and i hope i at leat partially helped you out...


With practice you wont have to rely on luck, but instead rely on your own skill as a sabresman!


oh yeah, one last thing, you will find out you will probably be mostly blocking that oponants shots and taking your precise combo-swings during the times when he (due to lack of skill) leaves himself open by being too random and not being in a good defensive possition...


AND ONE FINALLY LAST THING: dont use the strong stance... you will probably want to use the medium stance.

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