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manga inspired ninja mod.


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i'm interested in working on a mod for jk2 taking place in Japan in around the 1700 century. the mod could be inspired by manga and anime films. jk2 has about everything that is needed to make a ninja mod, swordfights, the high jumps and stunst (wallrunning etc.). the swords would need to be modified to normal ones, and the forces should be remade (except jump and maybe a few others). the force power system should be used in the same way as now but skills should be changed, like lightning is replaced with throwingstar skill etc. the atmosphere would have to be totaly remade and there would probably be some kind of teamplay.

but...i'm not a coder myself so this project is just a thought. i'm experienced with mapping (HL mapping but will try to learn quake3)

anyway, anyone thinks this could be a fun mod?

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I'm sorry - I can't help you make the mod (Were busy getting our own underway), but this does sound like an bloody excellent idea - and I wish you luck with it.


Your right - the mechanics of JKII are pretty much perfect for this type of game. And it would be great if the Magma-like feel could be translated effectively.


I will keep my eye on any progress you can make using this idea with interest...



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I was thinking the exact same thing today...


Get rid of all force powers except for Speed and Jump.


Make some new models in a classic Oriental style.

The mechanics are all already there just waiting for it...


I also thought how that 'classic' Highlander could be converted in the same way... Maybe even a SP mode where you just fight Immortal after Immortal... With the Sorcerer having the full force powers of course.


I'm not sure about the throwing stars and stuff. Remember : Keep It Simple. Certainly for the first release anyway.


I'll happily help any modder with projects of this kind, my main skill is levels, but i'm looking at diversifying into modelling a bit (when I go to Uni in September anyway).


EMail me at lu_tze@styleoversubstance.freeserve.co.uk if you want my help

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thanks for the offer to help me, but as i said this is just an idea. It could be possible if we (there is no "we" yet :p ) got a coder first of all, acctually "we" dont have nothing yet. so i would rather be interested for more info on this other ninja mod ;) , is there any webpage for it?

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Originally posted by kruxus

thanks for the offer to help me, but as i said this is just an idea. It could be possible if we (there is no "we" yet :p ) got a coder first of all, acctually "we" dont have nothing yet. so i would rather be interested for more info on this other ninja mod ;) , is there any webpage for it?


We don't have a website for our mod yet, but we could use some help if you want to. We've got a few coders a modeler and a webdesigner already. If you want to help out, send an email to:



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