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How do you change the Saber colour?

Lost Welshman

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Is there neway to get the boring old blue saber :saberb: to be a differnt colour like red :saberr: or green :saberg: cos with the cheat you have to retype it or bind it to a key which you have to press at the start of evry level. ive made the saber red in the cutscenes but i cant get it red in the actual game can you please help

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

Is there neway to get the boring old blue saber :saberb: to be a differnt colour like red :saberr: or green :saberg: cos with the cheat you have to retype it or bind it to a key which you have to press at the start of evry level. ive made the saber red in the cutscenes but i cant get it red in the actual game can you please help


put the command in a file called autoexec.cfg in the \base directory, it will be executed every time you start the game.

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wot the hell does that mean, im 14 and im just getting used 2 this editing thing, infact ive made a goth jan skin and a jerec skin but i havnt got round to posting them, neway what autoexec thing and will it make the saber red in-game aswell as in the cutscene







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Ok, do the following:


Go to your Jk2/gamedata/base directory and create a new textfile and name it autoexec.cfg.

Now you can add all commands, that should be executed when a game is loaded in this file, e.g.


set devmapall

set sabercolor red


I'm not sure if devmapall works this way, if not try


set helpusobi 1


I have not tested it but it should work.

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