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A word on whining -- both sides

Prox Kolari

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People complaining that the game is unbalanced:

If you don't like what's going on in a given server, leave the server. I never found very good fights in FFA servers, team or no. I know it's a shame not every wants to play to just have fun (rather to get as many kills at any cost), but if you don't like the gameplay there, leave. Whine less, Raven will address any problems they find. There's Duels, CTY... the cheap stuff is "untrue" to Star Wars, but people will ALWAYS take the easy way. That's a fact of life.


To people saying the game is perfect and saber throws/instant drain/bunny hopping is fine:

Ask yourself if you have a better defense for cheap tactics like drain-grip than "it's in the game." You can dominate a server by hiding and using Push or Grip near a pit, never leaving the pit, and laughing your ass off at the 24th guy in a row you threw in. That's called "cheap." Your only argument? "But it's in the game. *sniff*" I think that's worse than whining.

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"it's in the game"= You can use the same danm tactic!


No not perfect... some small balance issues

BUT I have seen WAY too many people whining about EVERYTHING that I honestly don't care about them anymore...

I will play the game the way I enjoy within the rules of the game, the rules of the server and the wishes of the admin. Outside that, I have no qualms about

1) Pushing you off a cliff

2) Pulling you into a pit

3) Griping you over a chasm and letting you fall

4) Using Drain to regain health (Yes it is suprisingly fast)

5) Using Lightning to weaken you a bit

6) Shooting you with a gun (yes even the secondary Repeater)

7) Mining High Traffic areas

8) Using Heavy stance

9) Using Saber Throw

10) Using Force Powers period

11) Using Heal when I need to <gasp> heal

12) Jumping High After pumping up to force jump level 3

13) Setting clever Traps involving Force-push the Forcefield and the Remote sentry

14) Sniping you from across a map..... No MATTER WHAT you may be doing

15) Using Medium Stance

16) Using that Flack thingie

17) teaching you that you cant block EVERY blaster shot with a saber

18) Using force-speed with Heavy

19) Using Light

20) Wearing a non-Jedi skin while playing a Jedi (Tk-421)

21) Push/saber throw

22) run an effective route that gets me the good powerups

23) drop charges behind me when running away

24) Run away

25) hit and run

26) stand and fight

27) persue your dying ass mercilisly

28) Laugh at you anytime you use the word "cheap"

29) mock you when you accuse someone of cheating when they obviously are not

30) Drop explosives on 2 people in a saber fight when they are not in duel mode


I am D66... I am a gamer... I may not be the best. I may not be the nicest... But I ain't some whiny m0tard who cant accept a loss. And I am comming for you...

See ya on the servers! :)

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The problem with that thinking ("You can just do it right back!") is that I don't want to do it right back. Let's say saber throwing and running backwards was the absolute best strategy in the game. Now everyone has to run backwards and throw because "it works," and if you don't, you get slaughtered.


Let's say light is in fact weaker than dark. Your answer "Play as dark." You're being cheap by hiding in the corner and pushing, and you come back and hide even after I kill you. "Do the same." Why should I? Soon we'll see only Darksiders, using the arms-only model, with level 3 drain and push. But it's okay, because if you do it, I now have to.


I disagree.

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The problem with that thinking ("You can just do it right back!") is that I don't want to do it right back.


But that is, by its very definition, your problem. Life itself is full of choices... and in games, that's the choice. Win, or roleplay. Roleplay, or win. I make that choice on an individual basis for each game. For fun games with my friends, I have fun by messing around, and fighting in set ways, with set people!


But on public FFA servers, my object is to win. I find that fun. I will use the tactics necessary to win. I make kills (using push, pull and guns) that people say are cheap... but I'm not horrible to them. I always try to be as adult as I can be. That's my code of honour.


Let's say light is in fact weaker than dark.


It isn't. The sides are as equal as any two paths of skill I've ever seen in a game. If, like me, you have a good ping, then grip, drain and lightning merely bounce off you because of absorb. Absorb doesn't drain more mana then it gives you, because it can be toggled. If a darkside player is less skilled than me, he loses. If I'm less skilled than a dark side player, I lose. It's that simple.


being cheap by hiding in the corner and pushing, and you come back and hide even after I kill you. "Do the same." Why should I?


You shouldn't, because the tactic doesn't work against experienced players. Absorb counters push. Guns counter a man hiding in a corner. If not guns or absorb, then speed and drain to take his mana. There's always a way round a tactic. ALWAYS.

Soon we'll see only Darksiders, using the arms-only model, with level 3 drain and push.

More darksiders? Yippee! They're easy to kill. :) As for the arms-only model, that should be removed, in my opinion, but I'll leave it up to Raven to do so.

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I also don't like laissez faire gaming. Just because it's in the game does not mean you are supposed to use it. To give an example, I think we can all agree that just because you CAN hack the game to give yourself an edge definitely does not give you a right to do it, and you're an idiot if you try to defend this behavior!


It all comes down to where the designers, the servers, the community draws the line. You'll always hear people whining one way or the other, but there will be a fuzzy set of generally accepted principles that a majority will abide by. For example, respawn-miners are often, and rightfully, universally loathed.

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People generally have a certain percentage of these categories

1) The Player - Tolerance

2) The Scorer - Doesn't matter as long as #1 on the scoreboard.

3) The Whiner - Intolerance


The Player plays the game for the fun of it. His objectives are to mix up his strategy in order to make the game interesting. If he dies. He'll try another strategy until he's come up with a counter. He won't use the same strategies over and over again or follow a certain path through a game all of the time.


The Scorer wants to be number one. He is willing to sacrifice imagination, but is not against it as long as the variety earns him points.


The Whiner... whines. He'll pi$$ and moan about people cheating, and generally be a pain in the butt.


Everybody has a certain amount of each within them



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