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Good Mod Idea

Lost Welshman

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Hi i just had a good mod idea for all those ppl who want to make a REAL MOD for JO. ok here goes


My Idea is you should make a mod that carries on from the dark side ending of JK1, not the light side ending, it could start with Kyle, Sariss(use Jan Model) and a few Dark Jedi assaulting the Jedi Academy, you could run into desann sumwhere along the line who takes sariss and kills her, unless u want her 2 come back like jan does. After that you could burst into the Jedi Academy All pissed off cos ur 'woman' is dead u go into lukes room and landos in there you battle with luke, make sure luke cant die, to win you kill lando and luke cries like a woman, and force pushes you out of a window, you get on landos ship and fly away in search for desann, but first you go back to the valley of the jedi and recharge, some reborn, WITHOUT THE POWERS walk in and you kill them desann walks in and jumps into the valley doohicky, comes out kicks ur but andyou wake up in a prison with ur saber on a shelf infront of the barred cage ur hanging from(those guys never learn) force pull ur saber slash ur way out and walla theres ur start to the game.


Hope that helps modders out there




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