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BAD load saved gave problem


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I had a bad problem loading saved games. I've gotten around it, but wanted to share, see if anyone else had it, too.


After playing for a week and a half, I was at Cairn Assembly level and saved the game. Something went funky with the save, somehow I knew it.


When I tried to load it after that, here's what happened:


1) When I clicked "load" the menu page foze, the sound of the button clicking repeated like a skipping record.


2) After maybe 30 seconds, the first frame of the saved game came onscreen, BUT


3) One and a half to 2 minutes would go by before the blue saber-ish horizontal "load progress" bar would even appear on the screen. Once it did, it loaded fine and the game ran fine. But that 1 1/2 to 2 minute wait was obnoxious.


4) I kept playing, kept saving, kept having the same results with loading subsequent saved games.


5) Finally I uninstalled and reinstalled - same results.


6) I then went back and loaded the game that I had saved Prior to when the loading problem started, I mean one before the funky save that seems to have started this all.


7) That saved game loaded fine, and I simply played my way through the same levels again, without ever having any trouble saving or loading games.


SO whatever happened to that one game when I saved it kept affecting all subsequent saved games, but going back before the problem and saving new games worked fine.


Strange. Thought I'd share. if YOU encounter this load problem, go back one previous saved game and replay it up to the level you were at when you encountered the problem. DON"T simply put up with the problem over and over like I did.



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It also started with saving at the Cairn Assembly level, when I was trying to jump my way up that girder assembly with the moving welder.


I saved on that level, and it started with the very same symptoms that you so eloquently described. Stuttering sound, first frame loads after 30 seconds, then nothing, not even disk activity, before the load status bar.


Every saved game since then has been horrible too.


So I need to go back to a save PRIOR to that one, and replay the game from there?


Hmmm.... I wonder what it is about that level that screws up the saves?


Thanks for the info!



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Yes, if I leave it alone long enough it will load the game, but we're talking maybe 3 minutes or so to load.


When I looked at the actual files in the saved games folder, I noticed that the first save file (by date-time) that is causing me problems is about 10 MB in size, where all the previous ones were only about 1 MB in size. All subsequent saves after that one large one were also in the 9-10 MB size range.


My PC has 768 MB of RAM so clearly it's not a memory issue. My hard disk is an UltraATA-100 7200 RPM, plenty of free space, recently defragged, so it's not a disk performance issue.


I have deleted all the extra-large save files, and intend to start again from the last "small" save file, which is the beginning of the Cairn Assembly level. I'll see if I can reproduce the bug of the "large" save files which seem to generate the extremely long load times. I'll post any info I come up with.


I haven't had a chance to play the game since last week. My wife hid the game CD until I got our taxes done! ;)



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Same BUG here too....I'll try the last save file trick but if anyone has a better solution..please let us know.


Well I tried the go back a save or two trick and that didn't work. I then deleted in the game deletion area, all but 4 saved games. (the areas I liked and will play over)...game is smooth so far and I did get past where it whacked out before...way past, almost done as they say...but this is a tuff game on very hard setting.


Funny thing on Tech TV...Extended Play gives it a 2 outta 5...this game is very good and graphically one of the better ones.


When I'm done here...a friend has SOF II Beta...I'll try that next.

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