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Dumbass Raven Software


Jedi Knight II is quite possibly the crappiest piece of elephant fecal matter I've ever played. How the **** do you expect any rational human to enjoy your bug ridden hunk of prairie dog ass when it's barely fit for a retarded maggot.


First of all, I'd like to preface the below with the following: I play a Jedi Knight saber slinger on Random Free-for-all Server, so I probaby know your game better than your roXXoring panzy developers.


Where the hell is PvP we were promised? You said it would be in the initial release, you even said it might be in patches ago. We desperately need this, it's crucial to our gaming experience and you flat out lie about it everytime it's brought up. Do you guys have a bad case of rickets that's destroying your sanity? How else could one expect that we wouldn't call you on this?


Leveling in your game makes me want to stick telephone pole in my bunghole until I pass out from the pain. It's so mindnumbing, cleaning the ****ter seems fun in comparison. One can only beat on ugly stormtroopers for so long until they move on to killing stupid stormtroopers. Never mind that the dark jedi who drops the lightsabre of whoopass is always camped by ebay farmers.


Your end game balance is non-existant. It's so bad that I find myself slamming my Peen into my CD Rom Drive everytime I try to participate in your PvP. Never mind that your PvP is so goshdarn boring and is completely unaccessable to anyone that doesn't have 25 of hours everyday to play. Sorry I work as a garbageman, I simply can't spend that much time in your lag, bug riddled game as some lifeless, pimply, sex-starved teenager.


Your attempts at implementing balanced pvp are dorkhead at best. How the hell am I supposed to compete when saber slingers still don't have force grip. Everytime I try to fight, I get ganked by the same cookie cutter newbie by their uber lightning. You seriously need to nerf the newbie or people will quit by the droves. The slow as molases framerates and 13535 ice age lag, makes it incredibly easy for some tail sucking, broadband pk to RoXxoRing me.


In closing, Dumbass Raven Software for wasting 9873431 months of my life. Dumbass to your mothers too for bringing you into this world! I quit! Here's 234.90 less you can count on per 4 weeks.




Darth Fiend, Jedi Knight saber slinger

RoXoRing DeWds






This Rant brought to you buy Rant Libs!!



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Dark_One, I think that its pretty apparent that this was a joke ;)


Where the hell is PvP we were promised? You said it would be in the initial release, you even said it might be in patches ago.


Its like hes taken a DAOC rant and replaced DAOC with Jedi Knight 2

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