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ESB Luke skin, need some critique....


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Ok work on my luke skins are coming along nicely. The one thats most complete is Luke in the tan jacket and pants. The Jacket has taken me about a week. Mainly because I've gone through three different ver. and I'm liking this one ;). I'm still ironing a few of the rough spots and getting it to look more like the movie. But I need your help! The pictures I have suck. And I was wondering if anyone out there has some good pics of Lukes legs and boots? If so post em here or email me. Let me know what you like dislike.


Hope to have it finished by late Friday or early saturday.


Click Here for updated images of ESB Luke.


And if you have a few pics send em to me at graphicsgod2@hotmail.com .



Thanks for your time, Graphicsgod.

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the rotj skin is real nice, awesome work


but for the esb one I think maybe the colour you're using for the jacket/pants is a bit too close to his skin colour. From far away he might look like he's naked. Just in the smaller sized pics I thought he was naked and in boots and a mini skirt. heh

So I think you should try giving it a lighter or darker shade. Lighter would look pretty cool I rekon. Dunno how you're gonna make his miniskirt look ok tho. But thats just the model restrictions.


Nice work tho!

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I think they both look top notch.


You gonna paint his face too, or just use the one given?


Also, if you are gonna do the whole luke set, why not try the ESB one on Dagobah where he's got the tank top on. Be very cool, and you already have the pants.


Colors are fine since they look close to the ESB colors. I don't think theres much you can do about that, unless you make his skin more tan.

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Well honestly... I think his outfit is a little too orangy or something. The one from the movie is much more like a pale grey. But the texture is really nice, juste need to work on the colour. And personally, i think your the best skinner so far, so it shouldnt be too hard for you. Oh yes, and a little more detail would be nice.

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Ok, I noticed a few people dislike the really deap tan. After taking another look it does look TOO tan ;). So I'll change it to a more gray'ish tan. I had it that color in the begining, but it looked a little off. So went with a more orange/brown tan colour. I'll try again to try to match the movie.


Yes I will change the face. Well I'll see if I can get a more younger Luke and add some scars on his right side of his face. We'll see how it turns out.


As for the pants and boots, I need your help!! I can only find a handfull of pics and all are poor quality and are either from the waist up or are a far away shot. Anyone know of some good sites or have some good pics to help out little o'l Graphicsgod ;)?


Oh and Divine Spirit, I use Google all the time, but all I can find is a few good pics, most are useless for what I need.



Thanks for the criticism, and keep the comments coming!


Thanks for your time, Graphicsgod.

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Ok sorry for the long wait for an update. But I had a busy weekend. First my OS was acting up and it got worse and worse till I finally gave up and reinstalled Windows. That was a day lost doing that. Then my job had me doing a double and the heck if I want to sit down and work on skins when I'm dead tired ;). And to top it all off, my free server was going up and down all day Monday and a little today. So let me know if you have any problems connecting to the site.


So without further ado, head on over to my site and check the updated skin.


I removed the boots till I got around to making a better ver. And I'm still ironing out the seams after adding the green and black tint to the skin. Took me forever to line it up the first time, now I've got to do it all over again...yea. Luckily you can't see it from the pictures ;). Try to have that fixed in a few hours. And work on the belt will start soon as well.


Let me know if this color is better or worse.




Heres one of the pics I used as reference.



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