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jk2 highlander mod


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well i decided yesterday on the entertaining idea of making a total conversion for jedi knight 2 for the great series of highlander. its a show that shows immortals running around cutting heads off to kill the immortals, and the winner recieves the losers soul which merges with the victors, giving him more knowledge, strength and so on



now its perfect for the jk2 engine as the head requires dismemberment which is already coded in jk2, and saber melee, which is also coded into jk2. jk2 allows models of 3000+ pollies, meaning good models and mroe freedom for model makers. its a good chance to make possibly the first total conversion for jk2.


in this mod, we will have an elaborate dueling system. where one immortal will duel another. In the match, there will be a locational damage system, one place doing more damage than another. if u are a skilled player u can cut the head off in a match, and recieve the quickening then. or wear down ur opponent to 0 health as then he would kneel down where u can have a chance to chop off his head, and recieve the quickening (a scene with lots of lightning surrounding and hitting the player ensues with the soul switching bodies) and the winner will unlock a new special move.


now this mod is definately in its enfant stage as ideas are still coming in and starting to get noticed. it was started yesterday, so team members from all positions are needed.


hope i can see some of u in my pms. when u are applying, please show me a sample of ur work. also the mapper can have freedom to map maps from any time period (as immortals = any time period). plz take consideration in this mod, as i really would like it to succeed

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well its not as big as u think.


all it really needs is models, maps, animations. and some code in between. its already got dismemberment code in and saber melee in. its not really that big of a project. all i need now is team members really

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yes i know skinning and animating is gonna be the hard part of the mod.


i need now a skinner, an animator, and a 2d artist.


i've gotten webspace this morning, and i've also got the forums up and running, when i fix some color problemw with em i'll post the link

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we dont know yet


when the sdk and source come out we'll find out the answer to that


but the source is essentially from the q3 engine, just with more stuff, so it, like q3 shouldnt really be that hard to modify

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yes but there is 2 differences between my game and theirs


mine is going to be completely free, no pay per month


mine is using the jk2 engine as a MOD not a full game, theirs will probably make their own engine

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Just hope they don't try and pull some copyright infringment crap -


Also, doing a Tocal Conversion is a HUGE amount of work....

remember how long it took the TC Starwars q2 mod?

I think they finaly finished it at the end of last year if I recall..

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