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A huge ass sack of Saber multiplayer strategy... feel free to gain insights!


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After 2 and a half years of Jedi Knight I: Dark Forces 2, I'm here to tell you about the new stratagies used with sabers in Jedi Knight.


1. The Trip

The trip is one of the least used techniques and it is hard to master, but 90/100 times it will kill your opponent. The trick is to get in close with force pull and pull your opponent down so that they have to get up, during the brief moment, the user will strike with a heavy stance attack and kill the opponent. If you master this, you can win a battle quite easy.


2. One kick, one kill

Kicking is a very very powerful technique, when you run up against your opponent and jump, it causes damage and sends them flying half the time. Doing this and a combonation of heavy saber stance attack is mostly fatal.


3. Pull, kick, kill

This one is one of my favorites. You pull the person, perform a quick kick on them sending them flying, after that feel free to take advantage of the situation with a saber on heavy stance.


4. Roll

Rolling is super effective, and sometimes your saber ends up hitting the enemy while rolling. Simple press c+direction real fast. Now rolling has one perticular advantage to it, you can roll over the gaps to the other side of something, this is very effective against timid Jedi, and can be fatal if done properly.


5. The one shot kill move

Everyone knows about the heavy stance one shot kill manuever. It is a jump with a saber shot that brings it down just right to chop someone in half. Countering this manuever is a bit tough as the game mechanics make the saber longer than it really is, and it can turn when it hits the ground, I suggest rolling, or jumping to the side, do not get side tracked. There is a possibility of hitting them in the abdomen with the saber while they are flying, but this rarely works unless they miscalculate and go flying over you, if this happens, cut him in half instead. I suggest using this manuever rarely, and have it kind of a surprise after some confusion.


6. The Evil way

The evil way is simple. Use drain like hell, and lightening after a good shot. It might not sound like much but it sure works. You can also use grip, but it is not as effective against most seasoned Jedi, who will get out of it and most likely heal or drain you for hp if you don't kill them.


7. The Good Way

This style of the force is a little complicated, it depends who you're fighting. If you're fighting a fairly easy dark jedi and a bunch of people who use manipulators only, I suggest the swashbucker with healing. When you get hurt, don't run around the ring in an obvious fashion, kind of circle your opponent without jumping, then heal after 3 and a half force bars have been filled, this is a good idea and saves you plenty of lives and possible humiliation. Against a seasoned dark jedi who abuses his powers, which there arn't many of, you would be better off using absorb, and lots of quick saber fighting to throw your enemy off his guard and strategy of dark arts.


Thats all for now, more as I learn it, please do not disregard this email and throw it into the trash, spread the knowledge of the force, and the ways of the Jedi.





I sent this in an email to http://www.jediknightii.net's staff. Hope they put it in the strategy section!

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He's being sarcastic Belial.


The first three are not always an issue. There are quick get-ups in the game that will allow you to regain your position rather quickly. They are most effective against unattentive opponents, people you catch by surprize, and people in certain wall configurations.


The fourth is almost a non issue. The damage done by the saber during a roll is like 5, and it's blockable.


5 and 6 are problems, as they are far too prominant in the game and are rather boring really. I'm not sure why you say a seasoned player could get out of a grip though. How is the gripped opponent supposed to heal or drain you or push you get get out of the grip if he has no force power?


Many would say 7 is just as cheap. Force heal (and to a lesser extent, force drain) are the reasons the heavy stance is so prominant. What's the point in whittling down the opponent if he can heal it faster than you can whittle it? If you can't kill somebody in 1 or 2 hits, he's not dying, thanks to force heal. You see a lot more of the blue stance (though still not enough) in NF saber only duel games.



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Ok..here are some tips for the light side :)


First (and i read it somwhere on this posts)

Bind ABSORB to the left mouse button (or some that you can use quickly).It is extremly usefull.Let say some dark force lamer decides to do a grip on you.Push ABSORB and you will emidiately be released and also be filled with mana.Than you can heal and say thank you lamer :)


In FFA ABSORB really rule...just look for some one using LIGHTING on somebody...move in with ABSORB , and feed yourself on mana.


Now next awsome skill is MIND TRICK (i love it in the return of the jedi, when the Luke is hiding from Vader).Be sure to do it when your opponent is not looking at you.So he dont start swinging like crazy.Wait until he stands next to some corner (yes CORNERS are usefull).Than Kick him and do a heavy stance on his head while he is getting up.

AHH SEEING counters mind trick



Now the bad news

Dark force have one big advantige-DRAIN!!

It drains your mana in less than second.So no time to press ABSORB.And anyway it doesnt gain mana from DRAIN.In tight spots like carbon duel.Forget any mana, Dark jedi will always

have the upper hand.

Hope the patch will repair that...

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Hello, I am fairly new to posting here, but have been reading them since the game came out. =)



Anyways, I play pretty much exclusivly on NF dueling servers (my old Voodoo3 3000 just isn't what it used to be!! :( ) because of frame rate/lagging graphics..all on my end, not the server's, and the one hitters are really starting to annoy me. On 2 seperate servers yesterday I saw 2 seperate ppl go on 20+/0 runs (spead out over 1-3 maps) using NOTHING but the heavy special. They played till they got bored and left, it was really irritating. The only way I could even do one of them damage was by backing off..letting them fly in..wait..wait...rush with blue and STICK TO THEM. I gave one of them the death that made him leave just cause I gave him zero breathing room and used the walk key to just swing around him in a circle. Maybe not the best tactic, not sure if there is one with NF, but it seems to work for me!! When playing in Force Enabled servers I really enjoy plain old Jedi level servers, so if anyone knows of any good west-coast servers running it, plz post..they are really hard to find. :( I like not having 3 forces or more a maximum levels and actually having to think about the forces I choose, and how/when to use them.



Oh yea..agreeing with nax to and extent...playing in NF servers has taught me a lot about sabre control, so if someone starts draining me you wanna know what I do? I Force Jump ALL of my force power away intentionally, then charge them w/ light or med stance. Am I at a disadvantage for not having any force left? Maybe, but not as big a one as them for not knowing how to use a sabre in close combat when they need to! :D

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