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CTF: How it Works - Things YOU Should Know.


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Alright, I've been playing ALOT of CTF for the last few days and its just sad the amount of clueless play going on on the JKO CTF servers.


So, once again, Joruus/|UA|Ashenhand whips out his huge sack of experience to share with the rest of you.


Not to say that everyone I've played with sucks, Over Kill, Logiks, bitter....a few people I've met over several days that know whats up...but on the whole...most of you don't. So heres some help.


Please read on and enjoy.



Capture the Flag 101


The first thing to remember about CTF is that it is a TEAM game. No team can operate as a group of individuals, if your unconcerned with your flags welfare and only wish to capture the enemies, chances are...most of your team is thinking the same way and your flag will not be at your base when you return because of it.


Keep in mind that each map is a symmetric or pseudo-symmetric enviroment. You can generally figure out, with some time and practice, where to choke incoming enemies at (choke meaning stop them from entering your side of the map, not grip), what enviromental conditions you can use to your favor (i.e. something to push someone off), and how to easily cut off enemy flag runners with very little effort.


  • Resource Allocation - Offense/Defense

Each base has its own resources availible to it. Selections of weapons, ammunition, health upgrades, shield generators and deployables, and beyond the base areas, there are also neutral resources which can be used.


When playing CTF, you should always attempt to be concious of resources as it pertains to your role in the game. Base ready resources (i.e. Guns, Ammunition, Shield Generators) should be left availible for people doing defense AT THE BASE, if your running offensive runs, but your taking all the resources availible close to the base, your defenders will be one of three things;

  • Short on ammunition/shields/health
  • Out of position because they have to range out farther to get ammunition/shields/health
  • **** out of luck.

The idea here is that its not ENTIRELY necessary for you, as an offensive player to make sure you pick up every weapon and piece of ammunition at the base before going on offense. And if you do, your defenders, or the teammate holding the flag waiting to capture may not have the resources availible to them to defend themselves. This is a very bad thing.


So, using CTF_Yavin in example, as an offensive player...absolutely nothing in the base area is really something you need, barring the Imperial Repeater which is far forward in the left tunnel, and spaced far enough that it respawns fast enough for everyone to get. The E-11 blaster rifles in the base area should be left alone, because there are 3 other E-11 blaster spawns on the map, forward into the neutral area, the same with the Bowcaster. The only weapon in the base area an offense player might concern themselves with is the Disruptor, but midfield sniping isn't very effective in this game.


I cannot stress this point enough. The base shield generator should be left for defense ONLY (on maps that have one), its very slow to regenerate, so if some guy takes the entire 75 shields it gives on first spawn...then runs off and dies, the defense team has no shields availible to them until it regenerates...and then only in very small amounts. Priority for base shield generators should be 1) Flag Carrier 2) Defense team, offense members should find their shields between their spawn and the enemy base, raping your defensive teams ability to defend just because you think everything on the map belongs to you is unfair.


PORTABLE FORCE FIELDS - SENTRY CANNONS: These resources are on a long respawn time, and are incredibly useful to defensive work. A forcefield deployed in the right place can stop an incoming enemy assault squad, or even trap an enemy flag runner, and the sentry is incredibly helpful for defensive support. If your on offense you should avoid picking these two items at all costs and the reason for that is because most of the people picking these items up mindlessly just run off and die with them, never using them...and it keeps your defensive squad from utilizing them positively.


And the biggest thing to remember about offense/defense resource allocation is this. If you need a forcefield...or a sentry, or ammo or guns or anything for offense work....USE THE ENEMIES rather than your teams base resources. Remember that if your taking the enemies resources....he won't have them to attack you with, or to defend against you with. Offensive players should always leave THEIR base empty handed almost...but be fully armed by the time they reach the enemy flag. The more enemy ammunition you pick up, the less they have to shoot at you with.


  • Offense/Defense - The Bread and Butter of CTF


Say theres 8 people on your team. And you go for the enemy flag...and you count 7 other people doing the same. Does this, perhaps, ring as slightly wrong for you?


Generally, in CTF, most people assume all the points are in capturing the flag, but that is where they are wrong. I can play defense exclusively for an entire map and still outscore the top scoring flag capper, and its because killing the enemy flag carrier pays, now beside that point, theres alot of balance in offense and defense. Too much offense...and your flag is going to get capped...too much defense..and you'll never score. So you have to get an idea of how well your teammates play and make some decisions from that.


If you spawn, and you notice no ones in the flag area.....you should set up a defense. No ifs, ands or buts about it. If theres no one there, you need to stick around til someone shows up. Get a gun, or some explosives and set up a light defense and keep an eye on the flag. Its a team game, and if you run off and leave the flag unattended, your playing for yourself...and might as well be on an FFA server. If the flag looks defended, then run some offense. Nothing makes an enemy flag runner harder to run down than a cluster of nutballs behind him swinging sabers, so don't add to the problem, if 3 guys defending can't bring down one enemy flag runner...then they shouldn't be on defense in the first place.


A good play algorithim that I use regularly goes as follows. After checking the base, and determining defensive capability...I will make an offensive run, pick up ammo and resources along the way, grab the enemy flag, and bring it back to my base and capture it. I will then revert to defense until someone else has captured the flag. Lather, rinse, repeat...and if a few people on your team are doing it....someones always defending and someones always running...its very effective. Give it a try.


Constant defensive teams are NECESSARY - CTF Imperial as an example...the flag area is wide open and easy to get into and out of, so its a high capture map. But if theres always some people on defense, you can at least guarentee your flag will be there when your flag runner is coming to cap. NOTHING is more annoying than to have the enemy flag, and come back to the base to have it gone...so you run off to stay out of the way...and you hear YOUR TEAM AS RETURNED THE FLAG, so you run back...and almost instantly you hear THE ENEMY HAS TAKEN YOUR FLAG! An empty flag stand is just as in need of defense as one that has a flag on it, remember this, if theres no one in your base..something is wrong.


Flag retrieval is another facet of the game that is very important, unless the enemy team is just totally incompetant, they are going to get your flag occasionally, the way to stop this is of course through violent defense, but it will still occur, even with that. So once the enemy has your flag, you should be thinking AHEAD of them to get it back. CTF_Yavin gives alot of places you can brickwall an enemy flagrunner at, in the halls just to the sides and the front of the base areas, you can generally stop there and wait to see which way a runner is coming, then its a simple case of cutting them off in the midfield, or at the most logical base entry point, an voila, your flag has been returned. Once an enemy gets the flag back to their base....your in sore straights, because not only do you have to deal with the yahoo that has it, but you've also got to deal with his defensive contigent, whatever yahoos are spawning in the vicinity...and then all the yahoos on your team that are following the guy with the flag so nut to butt that you can barely take a shot at the flag carrier without blasting yourself. So cut them off before they get there. If your on offense and you hear your flag has been taken...stop where you are and consider your ability to head the flag runner off on his way to his base, instead of going to his base and waiting there for the enemy flag to get returned.


Flag running is essential, but if you get to the enemy base and theres already 4 guys que'd up waiting for the enemy flag...theres probably something more useful you could be doing. Always consider strengths and weaknesses, if theres 5 guys at the enemy base, theres probably not very many at yours, or anyone doing any midfield work, so move on, dont sit around and wait for the enemy flag to return, because if theres 5 guys waiting for it to do so, the most likely reason that it DOES is because you and your flag greedy compadres there weren't around to support your flag runner. Team game...remember? If your heading along to the enemy base, and your teammate streaks by with the enemy flag, with 3 or 4 enemies in hot pursuit...don't just shrug and head about your business. The second you see a teammate with the enemy flag...all thoughts of personally capturing the flag should leave your mind, the second you see them you should immediately become their wingman, following them all the way back to base, or as close as necessary, running interference for them to keep them alive. Its a TEAM game, it doesn't really matter who's score is at the top of the list as long as the team wins. So keep this in mind. I've done more than enough solo flag runs, and had teammates just run right past me as the enemy runs up my ass with a repeater on full auto to know this is a definite issue. Cover your flag carrier...ALWAYS, and your team will generally come out on top.


Never join the winning team, ever, unless the winning team is still winning and they're outnumbered 9 vs 5 or something. Too many people automatically join the winning team when they join a server, this generally causes a bad situation to get even worse, because not only is the losing team really getting their asses handed to them skill wise, but now they've got a huge team disadvantage in numbers to deal with as well. This doesn't make the game fun for anyone...because the winning team is winning with no challenge and the losing team is losing more and more people as their teammates disconnect in disgust. Check the teams BEFORE joining the game, its simple...hit Spectate when you first join the server, hit your show scores key, and voila, you know which team needs people. If the teams are even, join the team with the lower score, as its obvious they need some help. Play fair, and everyone has fun.


So theres some CTF basics for you all, JKO CTF is immense fun, and will become even more so as more maps become availible for it. I look forward to playing more skilled games with you all.



Universal Alliance

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damn straight... nothing pisses me off more than newbies that run over every item and weapon they see when i'm playing defense, especially the deployable sentry guns. oh well, just one of the many disadvantages of playing on pub servers.


:ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok:

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Quicky Add-On here


On a guns enabled server, the use of the saber and force powers is fine. But if theres 3 guys chasing an enemy saber spamming...and me with an Imperial Repeater....guess who's gonna kill the flag runner first?


Thats right. Me.


Learn to use all your resources on a guns server. Sabers and force are appropriate in some situations, not appropriate in others.


Of course, you could keep on doing it. Nothing makes me giggle more than annihalating a bunch of enemy saber nutters trying to kill me to get their flag back with the imperial repeaters alt-fire.


Sabers and force are great, and I love having them in the game, but don't forget about the power of skilled gun use and bring a "knife" to the proverbial gun fight.





Universal Alliance

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Thank you!


I am new to CTF but I am glad to see some validation of my personal decision making on the CTF field were in your analysis. CTF is great fun but the only thing that sux is getting on a team and looking at the show scores, seeing that I have 6 people on my team and all of us are in the same place. That was wierd. So I ran off to see about getting the flag. Amazingly enough I got it and was running back towards my base with enemies in hot pursuit. I hit speed and as I hit my tunnels I see some team mates coming toward me. I flip over them and they block the enemies, which is good, but then I realize I see a lot of my teamates "uhoh whos watching the BLUE FLAG HAS BEEN CAPTURED.. DOH!!! Just as I was getting there.


/em smacks my forehead


I hope others read this.

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You make many good points, and that's a viable THESIS of solid CTF strategy. However, I would be amiss if I didn't point out that your attitude is a big turn off. It's good that you've decided to help the clueless masses, but your first paragraph almost made me not even read the rest of your post.


Instead of the "amount of clueless play" being "just sad", maybe a turn of phrase that doesn't give the impression that the writer is a corn-hole would yield better results! I read the guide knowing most of what you had you put in there. But if you're really wanting to get through to the 'clueless' ones, the best way to start off is by not insulting them. This ain't boot camp, ya know :) JMO.



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Thats probably true, if you look at it from a certain perspective.


But clueless play is whats occurring, lots of people running around willy nilly with a flag involved somewhere in between.


And it is just sad, at least to me, someone thats been playing CTF since Quake 1, the ignorance of the basics of the game just astounds me sometimes.


I'm not trying to be insulting on purpose. But I understand how it can sound like that.




Universal Alliance

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Originally posted by Joruus

Of course, you could keep on doing it. Nothing makes me giggle more than annihalating a bunch of enemy saber nutters trying to kill me to get their flag back with the imperial repeaters alt-fire.


Sabers and force are great, and I love having them in the game, but don't forget about the power of skilled gun use and bring a "knife" to the proverbial gun fight.


Alright, i know all the CTF rules and everything, thats fine.


But a repeater's alt-fire is "skilled gun" use?


I mean come on give me a break. All the best team game mods do away with these explosion spamming weapons for a reason. Because "skill" has nothing to do with them.

There is no delay to the repeater's alt fire. You can run just as fast backwards as forwards...

I know the score on these kinds of weapons. Every FPS always comes out with these moronic DM destruction spamming weapons. Hence why mods are such a huge draw when you desire real tactical team combat.


I can't stand CTF yet just because of these weapon types that infuse those with spamming skill with a sudden sense of power.

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I see your point Stellar but I think your ignoring a few obvious ones.


The imperial repeater alt fire does not instantly kill a target.


Its splash damage is minimal, especially on a shielded target, so direct hits are required to initiate quick kills.


The weapons combonation of an area effect projectile (the alt fire) and targeted primary fire makes it essentially as good in one weapon as any two weapon alias from RA3 (railgun/shotty, RL/rail).


The same goes for the Golan Arms Flechette gun. The explosive alt fire is generally harmless if your smart enough not to run into them, so its only truely effective if you can bean your target in the head with it. But, if you can, the combonation of its flechette primary fire makes it deadly in the hands of a skilled user.


Just the same the E-11 blaster rifle is excellent as a rapid damage dealer for people that can aim unerringly (which I generally can), and the Wookie Bowcasters spread fire is deadly at close range, especially from above.


Don't immediately assume that use of the Imperial Repeater is "spam" I can generally get done in three shots with it what takes most people an entire clip...so I understand your annoyance at spammers. But don't assume that everyone using a certain gun is spamming.


Also, add in the fact that most targets are healing while your shooting at them (something thats pretty much unique to JKO CTF) and you've got to use a weapon with some spread and some power. I mean, what do you want? You might as well say that all guns are lame. Skilled use of force powers and map resources can generally out last anyone thats just "spamming" guns.


The ones that know how to use the guns are generally far more difficult to get around. I can run circles around spammers...I do it all the time.

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I saw this thread after coming back from a very frustrating CTF game.


The first game, I joined a few minutes in, but quickly got into the rhythm, I used a combination of offense and defense, I adjusted my tactics when I realized most enemies relied on sabers. So basically i ended up with score of 1000+


The second game, my team was the same, the opposition was down to 3 people, I scored a cap for my team, realized it was too easy and switched. The game progressed nicely for a while.


Then it started to get frustrating, after most of the teams were significantly different and the balance had changed, I was still able to kill most people, but it had got to the point where I couldn't storm the base on my own. So I went back to my base, used teamchat "can a couple of people help me storm the base", then NOT A SINGLE MEMBER of my team moved away from defense. Considering that I had been defending the base singlehandedly for the majority of the game this struck me as rather pointless.


Anyway we did manage to win that game, although my initial cap for the other team didn't help. But the next game was even worse. I don't think anyone ever reads the teamchat, because everytime I asked for assistance in a cap it went unheeded. There is nothing more annoying than having to go solo and failing when you could be going as a small squad and succeeding.




Sorry if this came across as a bit arrogant, but this is how it really happened... :(

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There is no way i think all guns are lame. I've been playing team FPS's now for like, holy crap, like 8 years? Since the very first days of TF and basic doom DM before that. So i know how it all works.


I'm not saying everyone who uses such explosive weapons are unskilled. Sure you can be Very skilled with such weapons and be quite effective. But that doesnt mean a thing when considering how much power unskilled people still get with the same weapon.


A good team fps will balance equal skill out of all its weapons. Giving high yield weapons a slower firing time or reload. Whatever the balances are.


Every time however. And i mean EVERY time, that a fps comes out and has an immediate CTF conversion using the single player weapons... well we see the exact same thing.


Single player weapons are designed to get more powerful as you progress through the game. Hence things like the repeater have 0 drawback. There is no penalty for using one like a reload or slowing your character down (a great effect seen in wolfenstien and back in TF) for using such a heavy gun.


Thats why i think your getting yourself worked up over something you really have no hope of fixing.

CTF right now is just classic deathmatch. No one will concern themselves with things like the flag because everyone will be concerned with getting the "big guns" and most kills. Its just not designed for team play really. It's nice if you can get yourself a private game or at least 90% good people but looking for a good solid game of CTF on a public server? Nah, dont bet on it. It will just be chaos city.


I'm waiting on a decent mod that will focus on real team play. Until then its dueling servers instead of the spazz chaos of CTF/DM. I would recommend you try dueling too. Its a lot more refined. Beleive me i know what you want out of these CTF games. It just wont happen yet.

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Actually Stellar, its happened quite a few times.


Not as often as I'd like, but occasionally I'll hit a game with a good core of experienced CTF players on both sides and its absolutely the most fun I've had in awhile.


Far as weaponry, I believe Raven is looking into weight simulation and having larger weapons slow down the users.


Yes its chaotic, yes theres lots of clueless newbies running around playing FFA, but I'm not so apathetic as to not enjoy it and try to help people out with a few pointers on how to play the game better.


Asking perfection from a pub game is insane, of course, and thats not what I'm doing. I'll get my share of awesome CTF matches once the clan scene gets rolling. And yeah, some teamplay mods will be great. I'm sort of looking forward to TF/WF style mod for JKO myself, class based CTF has always been my forte.


I sort of like the chaos myself, it works up the reflexes something fierce. Duel servers are okay...but its generally either a drain/heal fest, or a saber throwing extravaganza. Not to say theres anything wrong with these tactics, but it just gets boring after awhile.



Universal Alliance

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Thats exactly why i only play No Force duels =)


there needs to be some serious issues looked at for MP before i'll take it seriously. Some of the force powers, mainly drain/heal, the weapons thing sounds good if they do it.

Its nice that the force fields and turret guns are already in place. Thats one point in their favor.


A nice class based mod will be incredible fun. And it really shouldnt even be that difficult to make. Just a simple troopers vs rebels. With some basic classes.

Hope something comes soon.


But best of luck with the chaos till then, hehe

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Actually the system is already in place to build a class based mod easily.


The current MP class profiles could easily be adjusted once the GDK comes out to reflect TF style "Star Wars classes", so instead of just saber skills/force skills presets a mod team could easily set classes to weapons restrictions as well, also easily tailoring force powers to reflect the classes strengths and weaknesses in example, a couple of classes.


Jedi Knight Light/Dark(thats me, Mr. Original names)


Jump 3

Push 3

Pull 3

Speed 3

Seeing 3


(These would be open and whatever resource points left could be freely added by the players choice)




Rage/Mind Trick


Saber Offense 3

Saber Defense 3

Saber Throw 3


Weapons Usuable

Light Saber

Bryar Blaster Pistol

E-11 Blaster Rifle

Thermal Detonators


Jedi Mercenary


Jump 2

Push 2

Pull 2

Speed 2

Seeing 1


(These would be open and whatever resource points left could be freely added by the players choice)




Rage/Mind Trick


Saber Offense 1

Saber Defense 2

Saber Throw 1


Weapons Usuable

Light Saber

Bryar Blaster Pistol

E-11 Blaster Rifle

Wookie Bowcaster

Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

Thermal Detonators

Trip Mines



Armsman Class


Jump 1

Push 1

Pull 1

Speed 2

Seeing 1


(These powers would not be availible to a pure armsman class)




Rage/Mind Trick


Weapons Usuable

Bryar Blaster Pistol

E-11 Blaster Rifle

Wookie Bowcaster

Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

Imperial Repeater

Golan Arms FC-1

Merr Sonn PLX-2M

Thermal Detonators

Trip Mines

Detonation Packs


And of course you could further restrict the class balances with armor limits, ammunition caps and so on.


And the basic system is really already in place.

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on a gun server, sabers in ctf become almost pointless, which defeats the entire purpose of JEDI KNIGHT ctf, i only play on saber only restricted force ctf (much much much more fun)


But yes, killing the enemy flag carrier is IMPERATIVE


i played a map last night (ctf yavin) , i capped, someone grabbed the enemy flag but our base was swarming with blues so they got the flag, about 10 minutes of me trying to singlehandedly kill the enemy carrier ensued before i finally managed to get everyone to work as a team to kill him, however our flag carrier came along for the ride instead of waiting to cap, got killed the enemy scored


teams tied on 1


i get the enemy flag and run it back to the base, our flag gets taken almost as i get there


now, the server wont let the map end until the tie is broken


i held that flag for half an hour , it seemed to alternate between me jumping and bactawhoring like an insane rabbit alone in our base evading the blue team to having the whole team in the base standing around, i tried getting the team to kill the carrier many many times all the while waiting to cap and avoiding and killing those who would take the flag from me, when the server time had reached 49 minutes the other flag carrier and i decided to have a duel for the fate of the match, good idea in concept but some people refuse to listen and as such there were a few idiots who had to try and ruin it charging in with sabers flailing at both of us, eventually i got the kill returned the flag and capped it. But we had to sit on ctf yavin for nearly an hour because people dont know how to play like a team, its quite saddening =(

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don't think anyone ever reads the teamchat, because everytime I asked for assistance in a cap it went unheeded


If there's one thing I hope they patch or some one HUD mods, it's something to keep more lines of chat up there for a longer amount of time. It's almost impossible to communicate on a med size server, when it only allows 2 lines of chat. I find myself constantly going to teh console to see what someone just said.

I feel for ya.


As for class based systems, without a speed difference, classes feel incomplete to me. I really hope your right Joruus, that Raven is going to implement a speed patch for weapons.



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Well in general the class system there in and of itself does limit speeds.


Since most CTFers use speed almost primarily, with the classes having different force speed ratings it slows down gun classes and leaves lighter jedi based classes with more mobility.


But it also allows gun classes to keep up with other gun based classes, and gives a gunner enough of a boost to be able to at least stay close to a jedi class for a few moments, to get off a few shots at him.


Its a rough idea really. I'm sure theres plenty that could be worked into it.

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"the way to stop this is of course through violent defense"

my favorite part of your post, best single phrase I've heard or read in a long time :)


I agree Joruus, it is sad to see how clueless people play...

It's sad that these common sense-type concepts need to be posted!

The tips here can be applied to most any game with CTF, think I'll save this post for future distribution if you don't mind.



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Part of the problem is the comminication in game. There should be shortcut keys to say basic things like there is in Tribes and Tribes 2. It is awkward to keep typing in messages (I do have the basic ones bound to key)s, but if we had a system like in tribes you could state in 1 sec that you were defending or attacking, the flag area is mined, the flag is gone etc.


The first thing I do when I join a server is to state my role. I agree with Joruus that sometime I defend the flag and get more points than the flag cappers. The message system should be made clearer and people should comminicate more ingame. If we did have this kind of system then it would be easier to coordinate the team and (because) the system is so easy more people would use it.



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Actually a good CTF based message system is all in the scripting.


Of course it would be nice if there was a visual prompt like in RTCW or MOH:AA, but you can effectively bind, say, your number pad to 17 different text messages.


The unfortunate thing is the current JKO build doesn't do mid screen messagemode, only topscreen,...and anything put there generally gets spammed off pretty quickly with game messages.


So hopefully, Raven will see this slight teamplay HUD oversight and implement midscreen messagemode, or a better chat hud.


But I agree communication in JKO is currently difficult. When your hopping around trying to stay alive, its very unrecommended to stop and type "HELpprtttrrrrrrrrrrrwwwwwsssaafdfffasd!" (Who's done this? Raise your hand.../me raises hand)



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Yes its chaotic, yes theres lots of clueless newbies running around playing FFA


Come on. The game's been out a fortnight. Oh, but of course, those who have been playing it all day every day since day one are SO 1337!


<wipes excess sarcasm off his chin>


Yes. There are a lot of people who run around frantically hacking with saber and spamming with the rapid-fire weapons (especially the concussion launcher). It takes time to develop a strategy, and not everyone has the luxury of being able to play as long as they want, so calling them a newbie in that tone isn't really productive. But what REALLY gets me is the fact that the game hasn't even been out for a MONTH and people will call others |\|00Bs. It just REALLY IRRITATES ME!




However, you did have some valid points, but don't worry about trying to get across the values of team playing. Those so-called "clueless newbies" will learn soon enough.



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Some very good points in there. But you can't exactly order people around on a public server and force them to defend etc. that's why clan games are usually much better.


Remember that public servers are full of people wishing to have fun, rather than play the game more like a chore.


And besides you can't expect everyone to be 'l337' (hate that term), as we all have to start somewhere.

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While I can understand your rancor about the term "newbies", I'd like to point out a few salient points.


People who say things like "we're all newbies" and that kind of thing are merely making rationalizations. The obvious case is that apparently not everyone is a newbie because some people are playing a very good game of JKO MP already while many are still spinning in circles spamming their saber around.


Another point would be the the fact that JKO is an FPS game. JK1 was an FPS game. Do you really mean to say, that the majority of the JKO player base has never played an FPS game before?


Skills transfer from game to game. There are differences in physics, weaponry, enviroment, but there is always one stable thread throughout all of them. Kill the enemy. And as it pertains to this thread....take his flag.


And while I can commiserate with your points, to ignore the fact that a large amount of the player base plays the game like they've never played a game before in their lives is effective to having a big pink elephant in the living room that no one talks about. The issue is there, I believe I addressed it in as friendly a fashion as possible.


Everyone plays pub games to "have fun" thats a given. But in my experience, having fun often has a deep connection with doing well. In fact, that often seems to be the case on the CTF servers I play on...since the people that are on the team thats losing consistently tend to disconnect more often than the people on the winning team. No you cannot order people around on a public server. But effectively, you shouldn't have to. In theory, if everyones playing a good game the chances of you having to ask people to do things is pretty slim. All it generally takes is one or two people on your team with a clue.


While I can see how sitting in the middle of Bespin Shafts, force pushing everyone you see to their doom, could be seen as fun. The fact of the matter is, you can do that all day long, with many more targets on an FFA server. CTF is a game with an objective, and if your not there to play the game, then you shouldn't be there. Its a team game, people are depending on you to play to your best ability, even on a pub game.

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