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While browsing through the bot files, I found two, and then some, bot files mathing JACEN and JAINA, leiah and hans twin jedi children from the books. WHAT THE HELL? *i haven't beat the game yet, but tell me, AND BE SURE TO WARN OTHERS OF SPOILERS, are they in the game? and if so, do they become active characters once you see them or beat the game? *like, can you play as them in MP mode?*


Heh, also, in the key binding default .cfg, the author wrote at the top, "key bindings for jk2- as Lucas ordered" (well, something like that) I just thought it was very funny. I can imagine lucas sitting there whining, No! The w key is for forward! Change it now or your sorry bantha hide is gonna be banned from the ranch! *har har-de-har har!*

Lucas is a god though.

We all love lucas,

don't we?


:biggs: ...

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No, they will not come out of anywhere. I am not sure why they put the names in but they arent attached to any bot AI to work. Unless you alter some stuff. I put Kyo and Yumi as bots but they dont have any models so you have to asign your own models to them. The only thing that is different about most of the bots that are not put in is they have ALL force powers, dark/light by default. Was interesting to put them in, but they are still MP bots.... kind of predictable and dumb.

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thats funny...theres no models for these tikes...



yunno, i saw this tactic once in the quake 3 arena dragon ball z mod, BID FOR POWER *which is now illegal add onto or to distribute, so boy am I a lucky duck for havin' one* The creators made a TRUNKS bot, but specified in the text that he'd be arriving in rc2, and wasn't in rc1's version. *they never did get far enough to finish trunks, as funimation shot them down for right infrignment or something, but the bot file was made* Maybe lucas plans on adding these two peeps later with a patch, as 99% of games have patches weeks after the game is out.



just a thought.

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Since Jedi Outcast takes place 13-14 years after SW: A New Hope the twins are only little kids at this time. But it would still be cool to have those models to play as in multiplayer. And I am sure someone is going to make those models anyway.

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