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Fraud within the skinning community


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this skin is NOT by this author, as he claims... this skin is already in the game


you can access it in the console by typing:

model jedi/j2


i released this model in a skin pack of mine (that releases this plus other skins already in the game for multiplayer), though i did not take credit for it... i simply took credit for its implimentation into multiplayer...


i've already emailed the site about this... hopefully they will take it down


it's just sad that someone like this would dare to take credit for something that is not in anyway his

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Xorkaya I noticed this as well. When I saw it on the site, I was like WTF? He didn't make that. I knew because I always use that skin in MP(using the model jedi/j2 command, it's my fav). You beat me to the punch with the thread and the email tho. I may not have said it first, but at least someone did. Good job :)


Edit: I also just noticed this skin is on Massassi.net, with the same claim. You should email them as well. Seems only right that people should know. Massassi.net already took down a maul skin that was posted by someone that didn't actually make the model, so I'm sure they will remove this as well. I'll let you email them so you get the credit, might as well keep your streak going. :)


2nd Edit: It appears that Pol Favre noticed this as well, and posted a comment about it on Massassi.net.

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I would download it but I am leary of that filefront stuff that the site uses. I dont like stuff on my machine that even closely resembles spyware or shares things on my computer without my consent. Call me dumb or whatever but I wont download from that site unless they take that stuff off, or I can download from a mirror without it. I tried using the links that dont use the filefront and it always gives me filenot found errors *shrug*

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Originally posted by [FTN]Topper

It looks to me like someone is trying to dirty someone elses name, I mean c'mon, how many times is SAM BICKLEY used on that webpage, even the L337 hotmail account is sam bickley.


hmm... maybe ur right....


"Would the real Sam Bickley please stand up, please stand up? I think we're gonna have a problem here."



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