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Cannot Get Past Jedi Trials!!!!!


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this is how you solve the puzzle ...


the arrows at the ends of the room reveal the path that the squares line up to. Look at the pictures on the wall, then at the squares - there are two pictures per square, but only one of the pictures corresponds to a picture on the wall ... line up the picture on the square that matches the one on the wall WITH the arrows, one by one. Then you go into the next room and get the next power.


I've been through all that and just got my light sabre, but can't figure out how to get the next door open.

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Use forepush on the slabs you see on the wall. They'll rotate to reveal pics.


Your crosshair will turn blue when the item you point at is pushable. Default key for push is F1. Make sure you've enough force power.


Then push the slabs on the floor so that the correct pic's are lined up.

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Cut the ropes on the rocks beside the door.



Originally posted by DrunkenGoons

this is how you solve the puzzle ...


the arrows at the ends of the room reveal the path that the squares line up to. Look at the pictures on the wall, then at the squares - there are two pictures per square, but only one of the pictures corresponds to a picture on the wall ... line up the picture on the square that matches the one on the wall WITH the arrows, one by one. Then you go into the next room and get the next power.


I've been through all that and just got my light sabre, but can't figure out how to get the next door open.

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Jump and saber throw (secondary attack).


Originally posted by DrunkenGoons

I guessed right about cutting the ropes, because that is obviously what brings the doors up and down. However, how do I cut the ropes? I can't jump that high.

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