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Problem with dismemberment in SP


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I have the european english/german version of JK2, and have everything set up the way it should be to enable dismemberment in single player mode...

...but it never happens !


Not once.


I have even set the g_dismembermentprobability to 3 (I think that was the commandline. Cannot check it right now, since I am not at home. But I know I am using the right line because I am using TAB to complete it, instead of writing it out), to no avail.


Does anyone have any idea what I could do to enable that feature ?


Any link to a site which describes it, maybe ?


Many thanks in advance !

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Don't use the dismemberment commands in SP - i couldn't get them working either.


The command i use is "saberrealisticcombat 3" without the quotes of course.


That will give you very realistic sabering but also turn your stationary saber into a humming line of instant death - what i mean is that if you touch someone with your saber even if you're not swinging it, it will kill them. If you want to tone it down just a bit then make it 1 and not 3.


Actually the command might be g_saberrealisticcombat 3 (or 1 or 2 - you're call :) ) . . . use this one if the first one doesn't work.

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Ok...I see...

Many thanks !


A fine option that makes.

It has a drawback, though.


I am not willing to cheat while playing through the singleplayer mode.

I would prefer to hit dismembering blows on a random count...

Not by looking harshly at my opponent.


I still hope there is any option to enable the "normal" violence (tsk...what am I saying there ?) somehow.

Some people did claim my version should allow for that.


Any other ideas ? :(

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I beleive the non-cheat dismemberment (the occasional arm or hand) was turned off in the german version of the game.


I may be mistaking, but considering that they turned the pedestrians in carmageddon 2 into zombies, and the humans in UT into robots, it wouldn't surprise me ;]

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You are correct about that, Aiee.

But only halfways, in this case.


As usual, they did attempt to ship the german version with reduced content (= reduced violence)...

It is our fortune, though, that they felt comfortable with leaving the censoring part to the regional settings.

Which means, if you have a setting other than "Germany" for your Windows operating system, you are allowed to view the violence...By choice even. (I should point out that it does not even matter which language version your Win is. Only your chosen regional setting affects this).

A menu setting is being activated in the game for non-germans.

The player may choose wether he desires to observe dismemberment or not.


I have set it accordingly...But as I know by now, these brutalities are only shown in very rare cases.

I still do not understand how the dismembermentProbability command works, though. I have set it to 3 with no visible change to the quantity of occurring lob-offs.


Regardless, I was given my proof by now...

Seen limbs flying.

Alas, not a head yet.

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The normal dismemberment is just the occasional hand or arm. Raven didn't want to make the game overly gory, as this wouldn't really fit into the starwars setting.


To enable the cuttong off of heads, feet and legs, not to mention slicing torsos in half, you'll need to do the following:


In the sp game, enter the console (shift + ~ fo ramericans, shift + the ½/§ key for those of us with danish keyboards. ;] You are after the key to the left of the 1 key)


Here, type


helpusobi 1


to enable cheats, and then


g_SaberRealisticCombat 1


to enable the more interesting decapitations. this will vastly increase the number of decapitations (nearly all enemies will lose at least one body part) and allow you to cut torso, leg and head as well as hands and arms.


I dunno if it would work with the german settings, but I s'ppose it would.

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