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We Need Class!


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Ok I just had a thought about using classes in JO. How about setting up a class system based on the Jedi order i.e. padawan/knight/master. Each would have different skills like a padawan could use guns & lasers but only very limited saber skills and force powers. The knight would be good with guns and accomplished at using the saber and force. The master would use almost exclusively a saber and have all force powers at their disposal.


This would probably, as mentioned by someone else, require a new skill of weapons training or something, so the more you have in that skill the more weapons you can use and the better you are at using them e.g. more accurate.


I think this system would, if implemented correctly, add much more depth to the game and make team games a lot more interesting. But what do you lot think? and more importantly can anyone make it once the SDK is released? :D

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Well, I'm no developer/modder (although i did make skins for the brazilian football team and spiderman in Q2 :D ) and I really don't have the time to take on such a task (although it would be fun :D ). All I'm doing is throwing ideas out to people who can make this happen and hopefully someone with The Knowledge® agrees that this is a good idea and will take it on... :cool:

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