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Dynamic Crosshair in 3rd Person, Not so in 1st?


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If think the title sums it up pretty well. I'm looking for some kind of alias that turns dynamic crosshair OFF when I'm using a weapon, and thus in 1st person mode, and then back on again when I pull out my saber and jump into 3rd person. I guess you could set it seperately for each weapon, but I was hoping someone, or Raven could patch this so it was a toggle button like going into 3rd person when using saber. If anyone knows a simple way of doing this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

P.S. I don't know much about Q3A scripting (I've always been a UT fan) but do you type alias <name> <command1; command2; etc> ? That seems logical. I'll give it a try sometime.

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What exactly do you mean by 'dynamic crosshair' ?


Oh and learning q3scripting is a b*tch at first IMO, I could fluidly script with the HL and the q2 engine, but until I got the hang of q3... *shudders*


Simply a weird concept at first, the thing with basically having no more aliases - ok, it's a workaround but still...

Drop me a line if you want it explained. :)




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