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JKO: Server Admin Player Watch List


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Current List: 4-13-02



Deus Ex = Bigot, server nuisance, TK's teammates, profane, abusive, starts arguments with anyone on the server.


TheForce = TKs teammates, hides with the flag and refuses to capture it, abusive, profane, racist




Add your lamer players to it.


In internet gaming, plenty of people are gonna tell you to go to hell, and sometimes come off rough, but in general they're good people that like to play good fair games. People of this caliber I've demonstrated here should be banned outright from JKO servers. Do we want this to become Counter Strike? With jerks that will ruin the game for everyone else just for their own amusement? People like this will hack, cheat, bug abuse and slander until everyone leaves a server. Thats their goal, to ruin everyone elses day and get a laugh out of it. Server admins of the JKO community, take time out to review your server logs, check your console occasionally, and if you see this kind of behavior....ban them for good. It would be nice to have plenty of good clean games on good servers, rather than have to put up with someones twisted conception of fun just every time you try to play a game.


Add your names to the list if you like. I'm sure everyones run into at least one of these types of people. Maybe if we keep a running database of the names, server admins can catch the jerks and ban their IPs.


If enough people add to the list I'll continually come in and edit the main post to keep the list current and easily accessed.


[EDIT:LIST RETRACTION]I've had a rather extended conversation with the DEV clan in IRC.


And while I still don't fully agree with what Dex was doing, I can understand the use of the tactic he was employing in a clan based match where everyone on his team is privy to the strategem.


So I've removed them from the list of people I'd like to see fried in hot corn oil because while the tactic was not altogether agreeable in the public server situation we were in, it is an effective way to definitively own another clan in a multiplayer league match.


The IRC discussion was relatively civilized, and while I don't feel I agree with their actions on a public server with public players, I cannot, in good conscience, call them lamers over it on what was, a hasty judgement in my part.


They are a skilled bunch. I look forward to playing with them again.

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