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JK2 Multiplayer problem

-25331- Crisis

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I have this strange problem with the multiplayer, every server i have tried has a major lag. Everytime i play i have recent ping about 50 - 150 but the game keeps saying Connection Problem

and a small picture appears on right bottom corner of the screen,

this generates so massive lag i cant even hit anything. This same

thing happens in RtCW , but MOHAA and Q3 are working nicely.


Today i played in server that is in the same area where i live , still the same lag remained so it is not about the servers. My connection is ISDN 128k so that should be enough to play...


The reason cant be my computer hardware since it goes way above the JK II requirements.


Does anyone experience the same problem ? or does someone know a solution to it?


Multiplayer would be nice, if i could play it :(

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