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looking for some help/tactics.


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hi im semi-new to the jedi knight universe and these forums. i played the original jk with my friend and it was fun, i remember dialing to his house and deuling one on one. anyway, ive had jk2 since it came out but haven't been able to dedicate much time to because of other games <insert anti-cs/dod gags here>. now that i can play it more i was wondering if anyone can help me out with lightsaber tactics because i prefer the saber over any other weapon. reading a recent post about saber throwing has me wondering if there is a way you can block it, or do i have to roll out of the way? i understand the different colors and strengths and weaknesses of each. i've managed to pull of some special moves (such as a twist flip over an opponent's head) but can not ever repeat them.


another problem of mine is countering the force powers. way too many times im walking around and get gripped and thrown down a large tunnel, or shoved into a wall where i can not move. i know push is the move to counter it but many many times has push done nothing for me.


hmm, this is a bit jumbled, i guess my point is that though i consider mself decent with the force and saber i am looking for advice to improve those skills, maybe combinations of force. im not tring to steal secrets so if youd prefer not to give me your secret technique thats fine.

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There have been quite a few posts on this topic already, but if you are mainly interested in MP tactics, check the MP tactics forum, there's bound to be some posts there :)


I wrote a whole post on single player saber tactics in the single player forum about a week or so ago, I think, you might want to check there too, but it's probably down somewhere on page 118 by now or so ;)



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