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"one hit wonders"


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I hope this topic hasn't been discussed, cuz I haven't seen it before. Or maybe I haven't looked hard enough.


Anyways, you know those players who only use one move: "The over head smash." And they keep doing that and doing that around a circle for 5 min straight while the other guy is dodging and running away. This ticks me off a whole lot, and when the guy gets one lucky hit, the other guy's dead. These can take up to 10 min of circling and swinging!


I hope this doesn't sound like a rant, cuz I'm not really... ranting...


Anyways, yea, what are your thoughts on that "one hit wonder, no skill" move? Is it too strong?

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It sux. it's boring. it's slow. it takes no skill, cuz you can bind that move onto a key. And that's my opinion after numerous duel and ffa experiences with people who use that move over and over and over again.


I know JK1 had one slash too, which was used over and over again, but that slash was quick and fast, and you could even move fast during that slash. And that slash sure as hell wasn't a cheap one hit kill.

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Originally posted by Captain Anarchy

The overhead smash or whatever is completely useless and can be easily countered after they miss, so, it is a very punishable move.


It's not completely useless, one hit kill moves are never useless. But you're right, it can be countered. But it can't be countered easily in a 1vs1 nf match, you can just get up too fast after that move to call it easily counterable.


But even after those two points, it's still boring to see a player doing that move over and over and over and over and over again.

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It isnt the move that sucks, nor the people who suck (well ya, they suck too actually) but the ****ty ass hit detection that sucks. The hit detection causes the following things:


1. Toe stubs: When the saber is on the ground you run in to kill them and they spin, the end of the saber pokes you in the toe and your 100 everything is gone.


2. Hammer hits: You dodge out of the way, you are WAY out of the way, and the hit still kills you (I beleive that this has something to do with Lag compensation).


3. head kicks: You run under the guy, his toe hits you, you die.


If you fixed the hit detection, and thus fixed these, the move would be FINE.

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Originally posted by toolboi

It isnt the move that sucks, nor the people who suck (well ya, they suck too actually) but the ****ty ass hit detection that sucks. The hit detection causes the following things:


1. Toe stubs: When the saber is on the ground you run in to kill them and they spin, the end of the saber pokes you in the toe and your 100 everything is gone.


2. Hammer hits: You dodge out of the way, you are WAY out of the way, and the hit still kills you (I beleive that this has something to do with Lag compensation).


3. head kicks: You run under the guy, his toe hits you, you die.


If you fixed the hit detection, and thus fixed these, the move would be FINE.


LOL!!! toe!... haha!!! that's friggin hilarious! so true but so funny... hehe.. i'm really laughing out loud now!

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Whiners make me cry.


If someone is doing that, just.. go away from them. Don't sit there and run around them for 5 minutes.. go fight someone else. It's not an easy move to complete w/o it binded, either.. I have just recently been able to do it consistantly.


It's slow, so if you are quick, you can cut their heads off as they're on the ground.... it's not a cheesy trick, you just like to whine and cry everytime someone kills you.

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Originally posted by Bacon00

Whiners make me cry.


If someone is doing that, just.. go away from them. Don't sit there and run around them for 5 minutes.. go fight someone else. It's not an easy move to complete w/o it binded, either.. I have just recently been able to do it consistantly.


It's slow, so if you are quick, you can cut their heads off as they're on the ground.... it's not a cheesy trick, you just like to whine and cry everytime someone kills you.



You friggin moron.


We can't run away from people on a NF saber onely dueling server now can we. They are our ONLY opponents.


You idiots constantly disgust me.

I'd like to see how you "counter" this move considering you can't approach the person while he is on the ground for a couple seconds without getting hurt, from any direction. And then considering once you can approach him he can also now move just as fast as you, always Away from you.

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*me laughs at the little people who cannot verse others who use the 'One Hit Whammie' tactic* =P


It's slightly ghay though, yet understandable at times. I do agree though, it really sours me up watching 2 freaking idiots who keep swinging the damn same way: *move forward, vrooom! strafe back... move forward, vrrrroooom! strafe back*x10


ugh, makes me go back to the memories of Jk1, where its just parry, attack, parry, attack and continues to go on untill one person gets too tired from clicking =\


-If you cannot take the pressure of other people using the *Home Run* tactic, then BEAT IT or FIGHT BACK. Sorry but whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, so eventually you'll get used to it and you can find a way to counter-attack those Red Stance SoB's. :D


Best wishes and Good luck,


-AB_Legion, The AB Clan

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This is amazing I can't believe people stick up for that move.


Anyone who says its conterable is full of ****. They should stop using the move themselves, and go up against it.


They can move it around when they are in the ground. Since the hit detection goes about two feet out from the saber you cannot aproach them.



Aside from the fact that strong stancee is imbalanced in general. They at the very least need to balance this move.


Make it so there saber sticks in one spot. And fix the hit detection so it doesn't kill you when you approach it from the side or back.

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I personally use that move all the time, and know many players that think I have it "binded" to a key. but it can executed even swinging the saber sideways (where they least suspect it). When other players use the move over and over, they don't hit me because they make it so obvious that they are about to do it.

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Hi Chenster!!! =)


Heh, I may have indirectly caused Chenster to make this topic because we were both on the same server yesterday for quite some time (at least 2 hours). We got to see ALOT of "one move wonder" players who used the heavy stance unblockable. This was the ONLY move they used.


I had the misfortune of fighting some of these players and the matches consisted of them jumping around like bunnies trying to land the move while I strafed and ran away looking for an openining.


Now I've only been playing this game for about 5 days, but damn watching/playing against people like this is extremely boring. Granted my current style of play isnt exactly entertaining, but I try to refrain from repeating the same move over and over again.


The server me and Chenster were on was a no force server so that means we had none of the "easy counters" to the heavy stance unblockable like saber throwing, pushing, etc. We basically had to take a chance and charge the opponent after the unblockable missed. Due to the HORRIBLE hit detection (that Toolboi mentioned above), I had an extreme amount of difficulty hitting the opponent during the recovery. Of course, playing on 56k doesnt help either :p And whats with the opponent's ability to do a 180 degree turn in mid air with this move? Pathetic.


If force powers were enabled, I dont think I would have problems dealing with the one move lamers but on NF servers it turns into an extremely boring cat and mouse game.


Done my noobie rant :)




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I posted some risky counters to it in the Heavy Stance Light Stance thread (think thats what it was called)


it's hard due to the hit detection stuff, but basically, if you stay close it's harder for them to do. Also, if you see them starting it, starting an overhead heavy attack and charging gives you a shot at knocking them out of it before they kill you. and if not..at least the duel is over. It's annoying waiting, but it's even worse having to just run around because the person won't stop.


I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer to risk getting the win and if I lose, go out in a blaze of glory or whatever (at least, if it were a hammer a splatter effect of glroy)

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Hey Bronzefist. Didn't know you were here on the forums. Yea, I mean, I use that moves sometimes, only when I'm really low and health or the player is offguard and I can just smash him while he's looking around for me. Like he said, it's not THAT easily countered in NF Duel servers, which are the only ones I play on. Maybe I should go to neutral forces servers for a change..


Thanks for the reponses guys.

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Originally posted by chenster22

I hope this topic hasn't been discussed, cuz I haven't seen it before. Or maybe I haven't looked hard enough.


Anyways, you know those players who only use one move: "The over head smash." And they keep doing that and doing that around a circle for 5 min straight while the other guy is dodging and running away. This ticks me off a whole lot, and when the guy gets one lucky hit, the other guy's dead. These can take up to 10 min of circling and swinging!


I hope this doesn't sound like a rant, cuz I'm not really... ranting...


Anyways, yea, what are your thoughts on that "one hit wonder, no skill" move? Is it too strong?


I wondered how long it'd take for a new "whore" to develop in other games.


In CS is was a AUG or AWP Whore.


In MOHAA it was Rocket Whore or Shotgun Bitch.


Now with JKII we have not a particular weapon whore, but a MOVE WHORE!!! People who use a single move too much are yelled at. Geez, I better not play online then, 'cause I love spinning around with Light Stance 'cause it looks cool!


I'll be called a Spin Whore!!!! :rolleyes:



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