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"one hit wonders"


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Slow? Definately.


Boring? Perhaps.


Too powerful? Yes.


Annoying when used in abundance? Yup.


Counterable? Absolutely.


I like what that other guy said... if you see an opponant just doing that over and over again and if you're not in the mood to counter it just find another opponant! There are more than enough on an FFA server...


I would like to see it's damage reduced to maybe 70-90% and maybe stun your opponant briefly. (Not long enough to abuse, but enough time to be able to avoid a counter) Don't get rid of the move, fix it!

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avoid toe stubs by using the medium special, or kicking them.


The detection is per pixel, its really good detection, thats what the problem is. It's too good for some of you.


I've seen people go on and on about it being 'extendo'd and such, but its not. Its just the netcode. You lag by whatever yer ping to the server is, so everything you see is delayed that much. If you get hit on the server by the heavy swing a lot of times the data showing you getting hit and the data actually causing you damage arrives right about at the same time.


It's just lag, stay 90 ms out of the way and you won't get hit by the big swings.


Hitting them on recovery is fairly easy with the medium move, since no part of you is on the ground for that. Also it breaks the anim.




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Thanks for the responses and tips. What exactly is the command for the medium special move?




We are talking about DUEL servers, not FFA. There is no "finding another opponent" in a duel server. It is strictly 1 on 1. Thanks for trying to help though.




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Personally, I'd settle for fixing the collision detection on the move. I'd disallow people from turning once they have landed and until they're back in idle position (because I'd love to see YOU spin around when crouched forward like that at any speed). I'd fix the damage time (so once the saber is poking into the ground, it will no longer do full damage). And perhaps I'd make it use a little force power, seeing as the rather sudden speed burst and distance hints at the use of a little force jump, and would prevent people from spamming it.


It would still be a fast move to trigger. It would still kill in one hit. but it would also require people to aim accurately, and they'd run out of force if they spammed it.


But until we get the SDK/GDK, I'll just stick to private duelling servers where we can aggree on house rules for spamming/wh0ring/etiquette beforehand ;P ;]

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ok, before I answer this thread, let me first state:

ANY move when used over and over and over again as the only tactic in a saber match gets really boring. Myself, I try to mix my stance and moves up as much as possible to keep my opponet off guard, and to keep things interesting (not to mention broaden my ability to handle most situations that come up) however...


removing that move would be a big mistake, with the force powers available to you, it's very easy to dominate a match and deliver enough damage to someone that they should have died ten times over, but they keep healthing up and dodging and strafing. they aren't using up much force so they end up with and endless supply of health during a fight.... having a one hit kill gives you the opportunity to put them out their healing misery once and for all.


as for the hit detection, yes I've seen it suck really badly, but I've also had it work to my disadvantage (doing the one hit heavy lunge and landing my saber right on someone's head, only to watch it pass right thru them, with no effect what so ever, and then have myself sliced apart while stuck at the end of that move)


I agree with those who suggested fixing the hit detection, and limiting the mobility of someone whose finished the move and is left crouched with their saber against the floor, so they can't spin around.


also, someone mentioned that you can spin 180 degrees in midair while performing the lunge, which is true, however spinning doesn't change the direction of your movement, so it makes the lunge just about worthless unless the person tries to immediately follow someone who's just passed them with the move.


the purple one

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A good all-around skilled player is hard to come across. One that does'nt spam just one move or swings constantly at air hoping they score that one blind lucky hit! Also, someone that does'nt whine after they are beaten that YOU roll too much or saber-throw too much and instead says "GF!=)" -To me, a skilled/honorable player is one that knows how to use and indeed uses every tactic at his/her disposal during a duel and shows common respect to thier adversery.

-Would anyone like to Duel me?-LOL!:rolleyes::p

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