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attn: RAVEN. Multiplayer balance and solutions


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I just wanted to give my thoughts on how some added features (in a patch) would really balance out multiplayer.


First I think that dark side force power needs a light side counter.

I think push should counter choke, absorb should counter lightning, and rage should be the counter part of heal. I also think there needs to be some weapon tweaking. Maybe tone down te area-effect weapons, or something like that. I'm not sure though.



Second I think that there should be three character classes.



1. Jedi Knight


Full force powers (still have to choose light or dark side, and still have to allocate a limited number of points to certain powers)

You, of course have all acrobatic manuvers.



2. I'm not a Jedi. I'm just a guy with a lightsaber and some questions.


I think it's important to have a class in between gunners and Jedis. I think if you limit it to just gunners and Jedis, no one would be a gunner anymore and there would only be Jedis. That would be cool, the Jedis need some combat against gunners too, I think.

These guys have a lightsaber, very limited force powers, and maybe (not sure about this though), only one or two lightsaber styles. They can only use certain weapons. or maybe they end up walking really slowly when they carry a heavy weapon, or maybe the same way Jedis allocate points to different force powers, these guys have to pic a limited number of weapons that they can pick up. -They have all of them available but maybe can only pic five or something. These guys can do most if not all of the acrobatic manuvers.


3. Bounty Hunter, Gun Slinger whatever you wanna call it.


No force powers. No lightsaber. They carry every weapon with speed and ease. They have no acrobatic abilities, except for the crouch roll. Maybe they can add a dive (Like Max Payne -no slow- mo though). The problem with these guys here, would be that they do not have force jump. That would really suck if they had to run up every ramp in Nar Shadaa streets or any other muli-tiered map. I was thinking of a small discreet jet pack. Make it similar to the force jump effect. Heck, make it the same.


The idea I have behind the gun slingers if from something I've read on theforce.net and starwars.com about Jango Fett. It read that "we will see that Jango Fett will be more than a match for Obi-Wan and Mace Windu. Up until now Jedi's rule. Anyone with a gun has one foot in the grave when they come up to a Jedi. But i think, that there must some people in the SW universe out there who are such skilled, deadly accurate, cunning and intelligent gun slingers out there, that they CAN be "more than a match" for a jedi. That's where this class comes in. Those saber-only guys may have run for cover, or come up with a different approach to these guys.


Now you might say that the Jedi class is so powerful, and the Gunner class is so powerful, why would anyone want to be the middle class? Frankly I don't know yet. I haven't really come up with every way to balance out multiplayer. Im sure that there should be some attributes that make the middle class a good way to go. Maybe they can have a limited, but powerful saber throw. They throw it really hard and fast and it's unblockable, but it doesn't come back. -They are not true Jedi's afterall. So the the guy has to go get it or has to be close to it to pull it back to the hand. -It was just a thought.



I'm sure there are other thing's that I'm forgetting but I can't think of them right now.


BTW I'm not trying to complain, whine or tell Raven what they should do. These are just some ideas I had. Plus I know raven IS thinking of a class system for the patch (someone emailed RAVEN and they responded!) I absolutely love this game, and I cannot get enough of it. I happen to be a saber only, light side guy, and yes, I hate getting choked over a ledge, w/o enough time for absorb to take effect. I also hate getting lightning with now way to counter it. I also hate when I am attacking aggresively with the saber, and the guy quickly switches to an area-effect weapon and kills me. And I also hate the gun-only guys that dominate the game. In the end, I just grit my teeth, re-spawn, and get back to ass-kicking.


I think I'm gonna fire up some MP now.

Bye guys

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That's true the light side counters every dark side ... almost.

And that class idea is good very good but i would change it.



They can use the force and lightsabers. Like we do now but no other weapons. They can even use the double edged sabre.

So they've got 2 sabers


Bounty Hunter:

These guys are strong against jedi's and have special weopns. Like a netgun, traps (mines, etc and bombs), maybe even a graplle hook.



These people can use every weapon except bounty hunter weapons and lightsabers. They can't use the force.


What do you guys think??

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I know that the force powers do have coutners. -Sort of.

first of all (and I could be wrong) I swear Absorb does nothing when some one uses lightning on you. I turn on absorb and watch my health plumet as some one shocks me.

Also i would rather that Push countered Choke. That's how it is in single player. I don't understand why it's not the same in mulitplayer. I've heard it will work if you aim right at the guy, but I wish it were more effective that way.


I just think it would be better to have more than one dark side counter i.e. absorb.


I also think that the offensive dark side force powers, as well as some of the light side powers should be toned down or tweaked in some way. The reason is, that force powers should supliment your saber skills. They should not be additional weapons.

Now I know, some might say well a Sith/dark Jedi is like a ninja -they play to win at any cost, so if I got lightning, choke, etc. I'll use it. Look at Darth Maul for example. He could have pushed Obi-Wan right from the beginning, and kept pushing him until he either broke his back or fell down the hole. He didn't though. Maybe jedi simply cannot call upon force powers rapid fire like that. Of course it is a movie, and that would be stupid if the duel btw Darth Maul and Obiwan looked like a multiplayer deathmatch.

For a game, things like that need to be addressed. I believe that Jedi Outcast, like Jedi Knight still has its force powers as additional weapons. Maybe I'm wrong though. I was just thinking. Maybe everything IS balanced. I mean I run and heal myself when I take damage, and those bastards still drain my force choke me, then throw me off a cliff. I don't know I guess after the release, everyone's got ideas on how to make it better.

I still comend RAVEN for doing such a good job of balancing everything, and showing such incredible attention to detail.


I agree with Dark one. There are many different ways that they can set up the class system.


Thanks for the feedback guys!

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Force Absorb counters all the force powers except Mind Trick. It also reduces the Affects of Pull and Push.


The Sith Powers need to be changed so they target only 1 person at a time(maybe to be REDUCE THE GOD DAMN FIRE ARC of Lighting and Drain GEES)



Force Pull needs to be changed as well. It should have 2 modes of use.

How to change force Pull:

When a person wants to use force Pull they will hold down that button, a targeting circle will apear around the target The longer the target is "painted" a engery bar like the one on the Rocket Launcher will start to charge up When it flashes force pull is in mode 2. It the targeting circle doesnt flash it's in mode 1

. In Mode 1 it will remove any weapon the target was carrying(Except Saber and Byar) Absorb will counter that. Mode 2 will pull the person toward the user of the force power.


Also Mode 1 should have a very low mana cost . Mode 2 should use the current cost of force pull.


This change to force Pull will make it act like it did in JK and Mots. It will do away with the Quake Gayness of people gunning all the time.


Raven I suggest you do some homework. LEARN how the orginal Jedi Knight worked with it's force powers!!!!!!!! There are alot of players of the Orginal Jedi Knight and Mots who are pissed at the crap you call a star wars game. Jedi type games should never be programmed by Quakers!!!!

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