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Jedi knight 2 outcast and punching


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Ok for those of you who played Jk1 you would know that there was punching it was fun just to have a fist fight every once and a while.

My point is why didnt they bring that over to Jk2 outcast, that was one of the many things that made jk1 unique..

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In SP, bring down the console (Shift + ~). Then type in 'give weaponnum 14', then hit enter, and then type in 'weapon 14'.


You could also bind a key to this, like 'bind - "give weaponnum 14; weapon 14"


This way, hitting '-' gives you the fists instead of lowering your weapons completely.


You'll have to enable cheats using "helpusobi 1" for this to work, by the way....


If you want to have a third person view when doing this (like with the lightsaber), change the key binding to "give weaponnum 14; weapon 14; cg_thirdperson 1"


[EDIT] Try it with force speed. hehe [/EDIT]

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