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For serious saberists


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The serious saberists out there need not worry about unenforcable codes of honor. Players adapt these at their own discretion and you will know who they are.


To get a serious sabering server we need only one thing that is possible right now.



Set the server to "g_speed 200" or "g_speed 180" and drop this defeault 250 speed stuff. I've tested this with the bots and the combat is worlds different.


Why is everyone trying to have saber duels at break neck quake speeds??


Before you knock it out of hand, start a botmatch, open the consol and put in the command.


You will find that the roll is more realistic. You only roll a few feet out of immediate harm instead of across half the map.

And you will find that combat seems more tactical as you face off with your opponent, instead of a wild race of bumber car mania.

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OMG... lol that is so much better... just had a quick ffa with bots and fighting with the saber is a lot more fun. Also blocking is more important since you can't run away easily and the stances seem more balanced somehow. Strong stance guys can't run at you while swinging hoping to hit and then run out of harms way now they are commited to a move. When my server's up and running this is the speed it's gonna run at.


Thanks for the great advise! :D :D :D

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Well im very glad it worked out for you sharky and i will look forward to that server if i can play on it.


All it took for him was giving it a shot and see the results?

Come on you serious saberists out there. Lets hear some feedback. It only takes a few minutes to try this out and see for yourselves.

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I have put my server at 201. Anything at or below 200 and the roll start to become controlable. EI: run forward and crouch, and go into a roll, imediatly after rolling hold back and you will reverse direction. I do like the slower run speed a lil but not that controlable rolling stuff. Its ok to turn and curve with how it is normaly but I dont like the reversing directions stuff.

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I have had my server running with speed 200 for as few days. It is great. I will have to check the controllable roll... it would kinda suck.


Also on my FFA server the following weapons are disabled

- Rocket launcher

- DEMP gun

- Heavy repeater

- Flechette gun


It really makes the game much more enjoyable and without those weapons the illusion of Star Wars is better ;)

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That sounds like it might just be the trick! To bad the computer I'm using doesn't have JKII on it or else I'd probably not have posted this reply.


All it took for him was giving it a shot and see the results?

Come on you serious saberists out there. Lets hear some feedback. It only takes a few minutes to try this out and see for yourselves.

....order now and your serious saber kit is half priced! Thats right, half......



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ive been playing single player at 1/2 speed ever since i found out about the command


bind timescale 1 and timescale 0.5 to some keys and youve got maxpayne slo mo

add some dismemberment and volumetric shadows (framerate drop less of an issue) and its pure eye candy



ps: anyone know how to use new skins in single player?

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

This sounds great. I have a dedicated server with Sabers only and I will try this. Where can I find a complete list of all console commands??? How do you disable specific weapons?


You can go here and download a weapons calculator, its easy, just click the weapons you want disabled and it will give you the number to plug in. set g_weaponDisable 65531 for example would make it sabers only. g_weaponDisable 1920 would disable the Repeater, emp gun, flechette gun and the rocket launcher.

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Originally posted by Creston

Canis Aureus,


How do you disable just those specific weapons? I would really like to know this. Thanks in advance! :)




It's fairly easy. Each weapon is represented by a bit in a bitfield with 16 bits. If a weapons bit is set to 1 the weapon is disabled. if set to 0 it is not disabled. First decide which weapons you want to disable. Then on a piece of paper write up the binary number with 1s for the weapons you want to disable. You convert this number to decimal number system and put the number you get into this line in your server.cfg


seta g_weaponDisable xxxxx


where xxxx is the number.


0000000000000000 = 0 (decimal)


would be with all weapons enabled


1111111111111111 = 65531 (decimal)


would be with all weapons disabled.


My setting:


0000011110000000 or just 11110000000 = 1920 (decimal)


would disable the weapons I listed above.


I then entered this in my server.cfg


seta g_weaponDisable 1920


and then you can play and have fun without those weapons that are not really Star Wars like. No more complaining about gun *****s on your server :D

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Thanks for the tips! My servers IP is


It's full most of the time. I like saber only combat with Jedi Master force powers and I guess many other do as well. Its's good to know how to enable some weapons that don't negate the saber but still the weapons are lame. I don't care if people use em on servers that allow it but to me it become just another game of Quake. There is alot of strategy with the saber and the different force powers. It makes for some fun battles.


I really like to game speed slowed down. I have it set to 205 and it does play better. It was too fast before and I didn't realize it!


Now does anyone know where to get a FULL listing of commands?

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Thats awsome that so many of you are finding the joys of slowed down combat. =)


Canis_Aureus mind giving your server name or ip? I would love playing on a server with those guns disabled and a slower speed. Sounds like a great attempt at real star wars action.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

Now does anyone know where to get a FULL listing of commands?


Bring down the console and type /cmdlist and then use page up and page down to scroll through the list. Or after getting the list you can output it to a file by doing a condump e.g.

/condump <filename>

So you could use /condump cmdlist.txt and it will save the cmdlist.txt file in the JK2 gamedata/base directory. :)

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Perfect man. Simply perfect. I absolutely love the NF saber duels. And this slower speed takes a lot of the "wait for the mad spinning enemy to get close enough for your quick strike" style play, which can be fun, but this is better :D


Great find/hunt for this trick man!





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DarkMark the disable force power command is bugged I think - or perhaps I just haven't figured out how it works :D I know it's a bitfield with 15 bits and every bit should represent a force power... but hey there is more than 15 force powers :confused: Perhaps the dark/light powers are linked together so you disable those in pairs... beats me. I hope Raven will give us some real info on this.


And Stellerwinds The name of my server is:

"DK Imperator Academy DK"

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Canis_Aureus: The disableforcepower command is most asuredly bugged.. There are several threads about it in the Dedicated Server Forum.

Seems that no matter what you disable Jump is always disabled. Hopefully this will be something addressed in the patch. Also, there are unconfirmed reports of an Ausgamer server that managed to disable non-neutral powers w/o disabling jump.... Still waiting on that report and how it was done. Swing by the Dedicated Server Forum for more info

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