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I played the Orginal Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith when It came out. The Majoritory of the force powers were better in that game compared to Jedi Knight 2.


The Neutral force powers had a low mana cost compared to the sided force powers. There was aslo mana power up withing the maps to give you a boost instead of waiting for you power to recharge on it's own.


Force Pull was alot better in JK and MOTS too. With that power when you targeted a enemy with it, it removed their weapon right away. This is not true in JK2. You may need to use force pull on them 3 times before you finnaly pull their gun away and then they just whip out another gun(excluding the pistol) and start mowing down people.(Oh yeah with 3 uses of force pull your now out of force mana)


Another thing, Force Lighting should NOT be a blanket force power it should attack 1 target at a time.


Also the weapons are not that impressive compared to the Old Jedi Knight Games.


Jedi Knight 2 needs some major tweaks if will ever live up to the Jedi Knight Standard. Although That something I think you Quakers dont understand. a Jedi Knight game should be more then running and gunning and that's all this game is.


Change force Pull back to the orginal Standard make Lighting and Drain attack 1 person at a time and for the Sake of Obi-wan Change Force Girp so people can thow you over a ledge. That's one of the gayest things in JK2.


BTW Why in the hell did Raven mod Elite Force(read the weapons.dat and the items.dat files frelling EF comments in it) to make Jedi 2? I It would have been better if they took the orginal JK and MOTS and ported them over to the q3 graphics engine instead of reinventing the Jedi World with Crappy Elite Force.

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Just wanted to say I totally disagree with almost every word you've written here.:rolleyes:


I've found JKII to be much better than JK, although that was also a fun game. The force powers are in particular much better and more fun as is the light sabre combat. I do miss being able to spend points on force powers as i want, but this was obviously so they could incorparate force powers in puzzle solutions without worrying that the player wouldn't have that power.


As for Quake, actually I thought Q3 was pretty rubish, ID make good engines but pretty limited games. While JKII uses the Q3 engine that's about the limit of it's similarity to a quake game.:p

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Mmm... I don't agree... I find that everyone who complains about a certain tactic just fails to know how to counter it. I think they actually did a good job balancing the force powers.

And ...... I think this game is much better than JK. Saber combat is better, jumping, movement, powers (WTF was up with the big red ball in JK!? Talk about a blanket attack... you couldn't miss with it because of the huge splash damage!) I love the maps... in fact I have found little that I don't like.

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Although I think that JK2 is better, it's more due to minor evolution of things and technology. I would agree that overall JK1 had much better design and was a groundbreaking game, where this one is just a fun, decently constructed game. The exception would be with the story-line and voice-overs(acting), and force powers (SP) in my opinion, which are greatly improved.


On a side note - it would have been easier for them to create the JK2 content from scratch rather than trying to port over stuff from JK1... the engines aren't even remotely similar.

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Hmmmm, strangely enough I agree with Hyroyuki as far as the Drain and Lightning.From a neutral standpoint, I also believe that Force-Drain and Force-Lightning should only be single-target force powers and not blanketed powers like they are now. It's pretty screwed up when you get Drained from another player that isnt even targeting you and is fighting someone else while you are fighting someone else also. Very good idea Hyroyuki!;)

-As far as the rest of what you said.....ummmm no:rolleyes: :p


-I also agree with Trigger_Happy. Even though I enjoyed JK2 SP very much(with the exception of getting stuck on 1 little stupid thing for hours multiple times), the level design was much better for JK1.

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"Anyone who finds JK2 better than the original JK is quite possibly chemically inbalanced. Seriously though, Jedi Knight 2 is laughable compared to the first Jedi Knight. No where near a better game. No where near better level design."


I know, I'd better see a doctor.....




Having played both games extensively I'm afraid I'm chemically imbalanced, I found JK2 much better. Although JK wasn't by any means bad either.


For one the integration of force powers into puzzle is much better in JK2 on account of the developers know what force powers you have at any point. Secondly LS combat is much better at least in SP.


The force powers themselves seem way more fun in JK2 and force ability recharges quicker. Obviously graphicly it's better although the quake3 engine problem with dynamic lighting does mean the sabre doesn't light up dark areas which is a pity.


need I go on....


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JK was great, the "quests" were brutal.

JK2 is very good, but I had no problems with the "quests", when I think back to JK the task with Land's ship was easy. (It is so, they are easy). This is the only thing what disturbs me (and the ****ing Star Treck comments in the cfg's). But on the other side in JK the Sabre was a butterknife, in JK2 it is awesome. I like both games and I hope I see something like MOTS. (With harder "quests").



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