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Something is wrong with the double bladed saber


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Ya, i was just wondering if anyone else have this problem, Everytime i used the double sided saber and i do the heavy special attack, if i don't move right away after it excutes, ill be left paralyzed. In other words, when i do the move i can't move after, can't walk, jump or crouch, or even attack, only saber throw. However, when i take off the cheat, everything returns to normal!! can anyone explain for help plz...

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i'm having this problem too, seems to be a bug. i think that's why the implemented the lightstaff (let's just call it that) as some kind of easter egg instead of a fixed part of the gameplay. imo they just didn't get the lightstaff code ready till the release of the game, otherwise the staff wouldn't "chop" through you every time you attack, and maybe the staff would have different positions for every stance

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