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Update! Lando And The Refueling Issue


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First of all, I become stuck after opening the bay doors FIRST...Then trying to refuel the ship. REFUEL FIRST! Do not open the bay doors. If you listen to his words he says REFUEL!!....Go ahead to the out to the ledge and follow it around till u see a gas tank with a blue and red computer on top. Use the force and jump up there...and match the symbols correctly to the symbols inside...THEN open the blast doors by going in the vents on each side of the hanger....Ones hidden by a red box(use the force to move) the other is hidden by yellow boxes(use a gun or you saber.) If you do it in that order you'll be fine. REFUEL FIRST THEN OPEN BLAST DOORS? OK? Good....Oh ya if you saved your game after u did the opening of the blast doors or if your stuck. Always load up the auto saved game(like the check point and ect) Then restart from there...





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what's the benefit of refueling first? I've played the gaame twice on normal difficulty and just played through that area on Jedi Knight difficulty and did the doors before refuel. It was a pain in the butt to keep lando Alive (especially this last time) but I got past it. Is it somehow esier if you refuel first?

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