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The unlisted Saber styles-- Why not MP?


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Why weren't these two saber styles included in MP? I understand they'd have to be balanced, but they had their own animations and were pretty nifty.


(For those who don't know what i speak, just go into SP, bring up console, and type Setforceall 500. You now have 2 blue saber styles and 2 red ones.)


The Blue style seems to be a tougher copy of blue/yellow, but the red one is very cool (involves a lot of single-hand wielding/swinging of the saber. animations i haven't seen in any of the regular styles)


They were more powerful, sure, but still had animations and were quite cool in their own right.So i wonder, why weren't they included? :o


Any clues?

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yea it would be nice to have a mod that included them in mp and gave them their own colours......

the second blue seems to be stronger but lacks the extremely effective lunge attack

the one-handed red rocks

it's considerably faster and very fun to watch

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the one handed red style I believe is what Desann uses. though it would work well for Vader as well.


I think Tavion had the second blue stance, medium and heavy (if you watch, they do switch up)


and Desann had the second red stance, medium, and the second blue stance


not sure about the Reborn tho

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Desann no tavion has the second blue stance, they both have your light stance and your medium stance, and desann has the second strong stance. Both Desann and Tavion use the "lunge" attack which is not in the second blue stance, nor the 2nd red stance. On that note, the second strong stance has this very very fast double attack to the front(two slashes, accross and back), i think its the same attack that was in jk1, but ive never played it, it does tons of damage and is very fast.


the second light stance is Lukes stance, which he uses exclusivly, take a look at it when he fights, he uses the second blue.

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and thats why they are not available in mp. if you had the second red stance, would you ever use the first red stance? no. its pointless to have two options where one is clearly superior (you could also say: absolutely bad game design)

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If they were included in MP they sure would need some heavy tweaking of course.

The second heavy stance could be limited to around a combo of 2/3 swings at most, should make it more "Vaderish" since in the movies he isnt a saber slash freak.

The other blue stance would just need some slowing down since its really fast and deadly, maybe make it less "comboable" like the original blue stance but still faster then the yellow stance, like a stance between blue and yellow.

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