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too much dueling in ffa


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I am sick and tired of FFA games that are basically Duel games. I was playing today, joined a ffa match on bespin, and EVERYONE was standing watching 2 people duel, and when one died, they all rushed to challenge the winner. (in other words, it was a duel game, no one else was fighting) And if I killed any of them, they got all pissy and called me a 12 year old.


If all you want to do is duel and watch duels, JOIN A DUEL GAME. I join FFA matches because they ARE free for all.


I guess it really doesn't matter though, there are plenty of FFA games that aren't like that...


Maybe I should stop my *****ing... but it's a nice conversation topic anyway

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NO !!! on the contrary, THERE ARENT ENOUGH OF THESE SERVERS! You lucky bastard, i look, and look, and look for these servers, but i hardly ever find one! I usually find servers with people running around with the alt-dart launcher and the alt-repeater. Or saber only servers, where poeple dont seem to be smart enough to understand what turning your saber off and waving your hand, asking for a duel means... They tend to think it means Kill me, oh kill me please. Quick, before my lightsaber goes back on and i might present a threat or a challenge. General people go for the easy way to the top of the kill list... Which sucks. I dont care for my score, as long as i have fun.

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Inferno, if you are looking for FFA servers with nf or ff duels or the like, stop by the Zone. I am always hosting this kind of format. My name is POV_MasterYoda. If you hate the Zone, well then, i wish you good luck in finding servers where this is practiced. actually, instead of good luck, May The Force Be With You. Good Gaming

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Not so "Originally" posted by ninkendo84

I am sick and tired basically. I was playing today and EVERYONE was standing watching 2 people and when one died, they all rushed to the winner. (in other words, it was a game, no one else was fighting) And if I got all pissy and called me a 12 year old.


If all you want to do is watch, JOIN A GAME. I join FFA matches because they ARE free for all.


I guess there are plenty of FFA games that aren't like that...


I should stop my *****ing... it's a nice conversation topic.


Oh well. Yes indeed you should and no it's not. Here are the main reasons you are wrong.


1) Limbo

2) The water smells funny daddy

3) Join now for a lifetime of fax

4) Mental patients run faster than most street lights

5) A goat ís wider than a mind full of glue

7) The fashion of today will be the sunset of tomorrow

8) :ewok:

9) Be my hero cowboy!

0) What is the sound of a single nose dripping?

&) Presidents that look like apes are better off than apes that look like presidents.

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Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG...


A Duel server is nothing LIKE a FFA server running Duels.


In a duel server you have the drain/grip/lightning monkeys that NEVER go toe to toe and the Heal monkeys that dance around coming in for a swing once every FIVE MINUTES or so.


In a FFA server doing duels, you have two people going at it toe to toe and the fight is over in just a minute or two, sometimes less (I've killed people in the first swing, so they can be as small as five seconds). FFA servers running Duels are a LOT better than any stupid Duel server, and it's not our fault that Raven didn't provide a way of limiting force powers within a Duel server. (But Raven still ROCKS!!! And I hope they fix that little oversight!)


And anyone looking for a server like this, drop by the Zone (http://www.zone.com). You can usually find at least one, and I run one there occasionally. I keep changing my rules (I may ban light/dark powers this next time, since I tend to run a slightly less Duel oriented server (but not by much)) but they're posted and I repeat them often.

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moleculor and mr sharky: i frequently host a nf sabre battle on the zone using the z-arena mod. so stop pissing.





i agree. im not one for FFA, but sometimes i do feel like a frag fest. but what do i find? i find myself resorting to lightsabre fights because everyone is running around with them instead.

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