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nothing 2 do with starwars, but did ne1 c the new planet of the apes?

Guest kyrosmagi

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Guest kyrosmagi

it didnt make much sence to me, and it kinda disturbed me how the monkey woman(cnt remember names) had a crush on the lead character. there r many reasons that i didnt understand some of it (there were inconsistancie) but i would like 2 no others thoughts

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Planet of the Apes wasn't that bad, it just wasn't that fantastic either;) A decent enough movie when compared to just about everything else that came out so far this summer.


Of course that's not saying that much when you consider this is one of the worst summer's movie wise I can remember;)


Maybe Musketeer will be worth the price of the popcorn....


That's ok, Christmas brings the first Lord of the Rings movie, and next year Episode II!

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Guest SoReFiNgErZ

It didnt make much sense to me(but i guess u knew that eh..lol) the fact that they used his ship and tried to make it look like the statue of liberty, the fact that at the end..he went bkwards in time and the apes were more technologicly advanced'(used human technology) im my opinion, the origional was far better....and all that crap better be explained sooner or later.

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