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Key config ideas


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I know there's already been one thread about this - forgive me. :)


I've got a pretty good config(I think) for most shooters and it's been workign okay so far with Jedi. However, I end up having to remap keys every time I enter a map because there just aren't enough keys in the area for me to map every single power and have them all at my fingertips for quick access. And as much as I like holocron FFA, it's a major pain in the ass to use all the powers successfully.


Anyhow, these are my keys so far:


Arrow keys = movement

In the six-key block above the arrows:

Insert = push

Home = Pull

Page Up = speed

Delete, End, and Page down = mapped dynamically depending on map, whether I'm in the mood for light or dark etc. Note even allocating 3 keys to this still leaves out one power should I choose to take points in all four or if I've got a boon.


From there:


right Ctrl = Use(open doors, etc)

right shift = walk

enter = use inventory item

\(shifted = |) = change saber stance

kp_ins = crouch


As I said above, this works really well most of the time, but remapping every map is a pain in the ass and I could be much better at holocron and jedi master modes if I had enough keys to work with. Aside of changing my movement keys to WASD(never gonna happen in a million years - I've been using the arrow keys for movement since the Doom days), any other suggestions or thoughts? I can't remember ever playing a game I had such trouble binding keys in. :)

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I've just added to this, but oy, my poor fingers. Now I'm using numlock for protect, keypad 7(home) for absorb, keypad 4(left arrow) for mind trick, and keypad 1(end) for heal. Only leaves rage unmapped at this point, and since that power isn't necessarily one that requires precise timing to use, I'm just leaving it at F8...


...and going to bed now. :)

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i would remap your keys to the numpad area. they keys are laid out simular and are not at a angle. I also used the arrow keys for doom and swiched to the numpad area. it gives you all the keys you need to reach in a compact area and its not awkward like the asdw keys. just move your keyboard over a little when you play.

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I couldn't stand using the wasd config either, so I went out and bought the nostromo speed pad. I just started using it this morning and it works really well. I use the keys on the finger pad to move around and the surrounding keys for things like jumping and switching through items. There's a thumb pad that i've mapped to force powers. The best part is you can set three different configs and switch between them with the push of a button (like switching from dark to light). Also, there's a throttle wheel that I've assigned to the walk/run button so i don't have to hold down a button to walk anymore. Not bad for 30 bucks.

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just wanted to comment on what you said above about switching your config for light to dark. this could easily be dont for with you keyboard also. you would just need to make configs for light and dark and if you wanted configs for specific levels you would do those to and then just bind them to a key.


for instance

bind 1 "exec dark.cfg"

bind 2 "exec light.cfg"

bind 3 "exec (enter name of config)"

and so on.

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Guest CptBiggles

Mmmmmm.... Nostromo pad. I'm poor...I shouldn't have even bought this game, but Star Wars and JK calls to me...


I was a WASD user until the first JK came out. I almost had to go to ESDF for that game. It gave me the ability to have most every force power that I needed at a moment's notice just a key stroke away as well as all the weapons.


Now, with improved mice out there, (multi buttons, wheels and such), ESDF is almost a better choice than when I first started using it.


I am, however, still having difficulty, (especially in Holocron, as previously mentioned), mapping every force power I want. I'm still considering which powers/strategies I prefer using, so I belive multi configs from the console will prove most effective. But I'm still hunting for a config that really works for me. Perhaps we'll get some interesting aliases going once we get deeper into the game.... Hmmmmm.....


Cpt Biggles

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Originally posted by leelink

just wanted to comment on what you said above about switching your config for light to dark. this could easily be dont for with you keyboard also. you would just need to make configs for light and dark and if you wanted configs for specific levels you would do those to and then just bind them to a key.


for instance

bind 1 "exec dark.cfg"

bind 2 "exec light.cfg"

bind 3 "exec (enter name of config)"

and so on.


Thanks for the response. This is actually a great idea and would come in handy for FFA and CTF maps, but for Holocron and Jedi Master games I definitely need to have every single power in very easy reach and can't see any other way around it cept to map all the keys within reach of the arrows. I could still use the cfg's for FFA and CTF, but the problem then would be getting confused with key mappings being different powers at different times - maybe just easier to be consistent.

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Originally posted by CptBiggles

I am, however, still having difficulty, (especially in Holocron, as previously mentioned), mapping every force power I want. I'm still considering which powers/strategies I prefer using, so I belive multi configs from the console will prove most effective. But I'm still hunting for a config that really works for me. Perhaps we'll get some interesting aliases going once we get deeper into the game.... Hmmmmm.....


Cpt Biggles


Then there's Jedi Master, where when you become Jedi you've got access to every single power, light and dark. That's where having a config like mine I think will really shine, as I can basically pump out each and every force power available as quick as my li'l fingers can make the stretch.

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Originally posted by hcimuiubt

..so I went out and bought the nostromo speed pad. I just started using it this morning and it works really well.


Also, there's a throttle wheel that I've assigned to the walk/run button so i don't have to hold down a button to walk anymore.


Dang, why didn't *I* think of using the throttle for this? Thanks for the tip, hcimuiubt!


This controller is sweet, btw. :)

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