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How do you fly/jump sideways off things...


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I know that if you jump whilst strafing into a wall you do a sideways, mid air cartwheel in the opposite direction, but a few times (most in the Pit level) I've jumped diagonal and up away from those small ledges, with my (if jumping to the right) left leg out straight and my right leg tucked up.


It's a common move I know, but I can't seem to do it at will like I can the wall walk or back flip.


Anyone know how you do it?



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I've had it happen a few times, I think its actually a by-product of flipping off the wall as soon as you start a wall run.


While I can't test it at moment (busy), I think I've managed to get it happen by doing a wall run, and then hitting space straight away, while still strafing into the wall.


Give it a shot, not sure if it'll work.

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Originally posted by Obi-Cyph

I've had it happen a few times, I think its actually a by-product of flipping off the wall as soon as you start a wall run.


While I can't test it at moment (busy), I think I've managed to get it happen by doing a wall run, and then hitting space straight away, while still strafing into the wall.


Give it a shot, not sure if it'll work.


Doesn't that just make you do the normal sideways cartwheel off the wall?


Come to think of it, the "jumping sideways thing" looks like a wall-walk in mid air, but your feet don't move.


Maybe it is a type of "failed" wall walk that actually looks cool and has uses.



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looks like a wall-walk in mid air, but your feet don't move.
I do this somewhat often, Usually in a crowded area, while tying to jump to a side, I end up starting a wall walk off someones back, then poof, im flying through the air like that. Next time it happens I'll have to grab a screen shot.
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actually it's called a Fairy Jump due to the look of the jump (FJ) i've named it with 2 or 3 friends from #jediknight @ gamesnet


don't confuse with the Butterfly jump


Press any directions, relase, and press jump in that same second. The one to the back is a little harder but not much


C yu

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Originally posted by H.B.M.C.

I know that if you jump whilst strafing into a wall you do a sideways, mid air cartwheel in the opposite direction, but a few times (most in the Pit level) I've jumped diagonal and up away from those small ledges, with my (if jumping to the right) left leg out straight and my right leg tucked up.


It's a common move I know, but I can't seem to do it at will like I can the wall walk or back flip.


Anyone know how you do it?






To do a sideways lunge, strafe in one direction then simultaneously [while still strafing the original direction, press the opposite strafe button and jump. Doing a similar pattern while going foward will do a fairy looking swan dive. ;)

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