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desann? where?


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Force Jump onto the terrace which you see from the room. Follow the corridor till it forks; on the right there is a dead end, on the left there is an illusory wall. Go past it; you will see a lot of fire pedestals spitting flames. Use Force Push to extinguish the flames for a short period of time (be quick passing through, or they'll ignite once again). You will end up in a hall with 3 routes; to the right, there is another illusory wall and a death pit behind it; straight, there is a mirror with Desann playing tricks at you; to the right; there is another passage where you need to go. Down that passage, you'll see fire burning; use Saber Throw to break the pipe above your head to let out some water which will put out the fire. Then, drop into a hole. Use Force Push to move the three blocks, the ones to the left and straight will reveal a passage. Go to your left, then right, than right again; stop immediately and look down. There will be a button near the floor; use Force Push to activate it. This will open up the fourth passage in the room where the three blocks originally were; follow it and past the corridor with some meat grinders. Time yourself carefully and use Force Speed to get past the grinders. Once you are through, you will find Desann. When you fight Desann, Force Pull the two buttons on the top of the arena; this will ignite the ray in the middle. Walking through that ray will grant you an aura (formerly known as Force Protection, in JK) and make you invulnerable to his attacks for about 10 seconds (but he can still juggle you around).

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