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OK games good but........ what about some sound taunts? I am sure some whizz kid out there can sort out a way of doing this, I used to play unreal tournament alot and they had a auto taunt option, after every kill it would taunt the opponent you just hacked to bits and they had some great ones . So what about it?



WE NEED TAUNTS they add to the atitude of the play.


Good luck whiz kids get programing !:bdroid2:

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I've always thought that the post-kill taunts in UT were one of the worst things to ever come to gaming. You kill somebody, and instead of saying something positive like "good fight", it says "YOU SUCK" or something equally antagonistic. All it did was add hostility between players when there doesn't need to be any. If somebody wants to be that way, fine, but make them type out the insults themselves.


If somebody does figure out a way to play sounds to where everybody can hear them, all we'll get is morons spamming the same sound over and over again.


+taunt is good enough for me.

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