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Another Maul Skin ?


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Thanks everybody for your input, I should have it "finished" by tomorrow


hyrit - Sexy_Maul it is ;)


CheshireKat - Well now I'm just going to have to hire the DVD again arent I :rolleyes: ... :D


Kvan, Eets'chula - Thanks for the debate over the horns :) . I was thinking about maybe extending the hood to cover his shoulders so it looked more natural, but maybe for a later time (when I redo the tatts and such)


thnx again


:D and some more for good measure :D



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Ok ppl, I'm e-mailing the skin to the files database at jediknightii.net.


My submission goes something like this


To: files@jediknightii.net

Subject: File Submission

Attached: maul.jpg & robeless_maul.zip


Body: Some statement about "yes...another maul :)"


It's about 2mbs, and via my 56k modem, it should be uploaded in about a week or so :)


...oh look, its done... :D


as for how long it will take to be put in their filebase, I do not know


Hope it all works properly and you enjoy checking it out


I thank you all


- Barge


PS: I'll be asleep for about 5 hours. Afterwards I'll check back and see what's going on...

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Great skin :D


best one I have seen yet. I am curious, I haven't skinned since good old quake2, any tips you could share with me? Needless to say I am rusty and I am just getting into the PhotoShop groove. Used to use Picture Publisher...

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maul774 - Yeh, and the arm tatts are all wrong, and so are parts of the chest tatt. This is mainly due to the fact that I wasn't approaching the skin in a, "I must make 100% faithful conversion", instead it was more of a, "hey, I wanna skin something that I'll enjoy working on"... or something like that


GreyCloud - Well, wearing the "Skinner" hat, I can't really offer much advice; since this is my first skin and all. But putting on my Photoshop hat, I would say that one of the most useful aspect of Photoshop is it's layers (this is of course not revolutionary info :) ).


Basically EVERYTHING was on a different layer... Whenever I wanted to add something, I would put it on it's own layer. If it turned out looking crap, I would just delete the layer. Also, the blending options of layers can be very useful.


Out of interest, 26 layers for the Torso skin, some do major things, ie: define tatts. Others do minor things, ie: a single highlight


And of course, do not become dependant on third party plugins. The ones provided with photoshop are ample.


Out of interest (2), no third party plugin was used on this skin.


Anyway, thanks for asking, but I think there are more suitable people to be listening to on such matters :)


- Barge

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Thank you Barge.


It may not seem like much help to you, but anything is a meaty bone for a rusty artist (especially when learning a new paint prog) Layers are a new thing for me, as picture publisher only had limited masking ond object options. Looks like I got my work cut out for me, hehe.


Once again thanks for your time answering :D

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Bah...Thank you for creating another Maul skin I am not going to use !

You killed the concept of a robeless Maul by leaving him hooded.

In other words, you have only done half of the job.


A great exchange you have managed there...

"Oh...let´s see...His head model does not have those tiny horns, which no one could see in the frenzy of battle...What a HUGE loss...I guess I better add a huge hood that looks entirely out of place and cannot be missed by anyone...Not even from miles away"


Great !

Thank You !



Now that I have given voice to my anger over a matter of personal taste, let me add some comments of greater relevance.


Good work, technically, Barge !

The skin is of superior quality, though I am mourning the loss of a more pronounced shading. Especially his face and muscles are sporting too subtle a layer of shades.


A fine work, regardless.


Know that you own my deepest anger for delivering such a nice work with such a crappy hood.



Now, where is the artist who wanted to bless the world with a robe- AND HOODLESS (!!!) Maul ?!?


I am begging you, Septic Child...Continue your work !

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When the SDK comes out, expect another 30 Mauls to come out. I may end up doing one pyself, but only for my own gratification.


Just a thought -- we can't do it yet, but in SP there is a prisoner who is bald, he is Prisoner2 in your NPCS.cfg, and is enabled by turning off the head, head_face, and head_face_eyes of the prisoner, and then turning on the off sections for those places. It then has the wonderful bald shape for the head, giving you the perfect shape for Maul. I figure with modelling ability, you could then take the basic shape of the prisoner upper body, and the lower body of an imperial, therefore giving you the best shirtless maul with an apron style waste and belt, just as he was intended.... hmmm...


Meanwhile, I intend to focus my skinning on other obscure characters that no one usually thinks about...



Oh just a thought, as it is something that usually happens in other skinning circles. Do research prior to making a skin. If someone has already made a halfway decent skin of a certain character, think twice about making another one... I can probably count at least 8 individual maul skins already released. Not to say you shouldn't, and I am sure it is fun, but think about the end user. How many of us are going to install 15 Darth Maul skins?


Course there is the argument of "My Darth Maul is better than all those others!" ok, so now you ahve taken your skinning to the warfare level, alienating other skinners, which is not what a "skinning community" is about.


Just making a point, and not flaming. I aplaud all of your work as exceptional, and am glad to see so many willing to put their time and effort into such masterpeices. But at the same time, I see a pattern developing, and don't really want to see any of my skins done 15 times after it has been released, just because someone thinks theirs might be a little better...

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personally, and this is just my opinion, it looks better with the hood and I'll say why I think so.


the Darth Maul character from the movie has a red tattood face and a solid black head in the back, sure it may have some highlights and reflect a little light, but the absense of the tatoo's completely surrounding the head, makes it look like a cheap paint job that was never finished.


you can argue about being "true" to the character, but the fact is, until the tools are released, you can't make a usable Maul skin that's "true" to his original look, and maybe some people would like to be maulish without waiting for the tools (which seem to be taking forever to be released)


also as I mentioned in another post, skinning is an artform as people like Skeptic and others are quickly confirming by their hard work and talented contributions to the game. Artistic license is part of that process and can add or take away from a skin depending on the person viewing it.


I can't stand wearing a maul skin that has that solid black head in the back, it takes away from my enjoyment of the entire skin, especially since when I'm wearing it, all I CAN see is the back.


so the hood rocks, the skin is awesome and with a little teamwork in the future from Skeptic and others, it might be even better.


the purple one

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CheshireKat (Look! I got your name right this time ;))


I should sure hope maul has more than one set of clothes. I'd hate to think of how his thick, heavy, black robe would've smelt after being in the deserts of tatooine and all the movement in the saber combat.


All hail the Dark Lord of the Sweat ;P

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oooops forgot to mention this when I posted earlier:


I checked out the skin the game and it looks even better than the screenshots....one little thing though, the sound for the taunt is so low I can't hear it, I have to max out my pc speaker volume just to know it's playing a sound, I'm not sure if it's the mp3 quality or what, but I know I'll never be playing the game with my system that loud, so I'll never be able to hear the taunt in it's current state.


just thought you should know, in case others have the same thing happening.


the purple one

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kijinn - :D - Thank you for expressing your opinion, and in such an intense way. I will not defend my decision to use the reborn model, but I will say, that for me, it doesn't stand out that much as an abomination on the face of humanity :) ... Perhaps I approach the skin, or skinning in general, from a different perspective, with different goals and/or expectations.


And from a technical standpoint, with respect to shading, I come from a "less is best" stand point, but perhaps a little "too less" in this case?



Octavius - Wise words indeed, I am new to this "game" and did not think seriously enough about the responsibility placed on a skinners head. However, I did not realize that there were ~8 available Maul skins... I thought only about 3 (this comes back to lack of research though).


Also, as mainly an off-line player, I find it hard to maintain, or even achieve the same perspective as those more closely tied to the on-line community. Again however this just emphasizes further the need for researching the state of the community.


And strangely enough, reflecting on my mind set during the development of the skin, I never really thought about it landing in the hands of those who just want to d/l and jump on a server with it. For some reason I just assumed (subconsciously I guess) that only other skinners, or those interested in editing, would be the ones downloading it...strange indeed


PurpleWulf - About the taunt... I thought it played a _bit_ quiet on my puter, but nothing like what you've said. However now that I think about it, the fact that I - use headphones - could have something to do with it :D.


Funnily enough, during the course of this reply I think I have found an answer (an excuse?)...Growing pains, beginning the growth from a single person tapping away on his computer somewhere in remote Australia... To a member of a larger more diverse community, with an audience that spans the globe (dramatic music here).



And finally, Kijinn, I am glad that a mere difference in personal taste earns me you deepest anger - I fear for the safety of one who truly wrongs you :)


- Barge

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Barge: I've got a quic request.


I was wondering, since I have no recording tools, if you coud turn up the volume on the Taunt repak it and send it to me PLEASE!!! My friends and I LAN an awful lot, and I'm kinda known as the Taunt Abuser. I'd hate to lose that title. I truly love this skin, and want to use it on the LAN so PLEASE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If not leave me a reply here. I'd really appreciate it.

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Cheshire: What's your e-mail, the forum function has been disabled by the admin (at this point in time)


Also, it's 2:30 am here, so I gotta get some sleep, but I've amplified x2 and re-packed ready to go


- Barge

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