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A few good ideas.........


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.....that I think would improve JK][ MP gameplay?:p


1) Force-Jump=It would be cool if there was some way to toggle it on/off during MP fighting on the fly. I feel the Force-Jump should have been along with the other Force-Powers and left regular jump as default.


2)Saber-Dueling Special-Moves= It would be cool if there was a way to bind those special-moves that require multiple key combos to one key.:p


3)Saber-Lock= I think being forced to use the Primary-Attack button or key as the saber-lock break was a bad idea by Raven. Most if us players use Mouse Button1 as our Primary Attack mapped button. Mashing it during saber-locks is a good way to break yur mouse:( -For now, I have Primary Attack mapped to my Mouse and a KB key. I just mash the kb key when I engage in locks. But an option in Controls to map this specifically would have been nice.


--So, what do you think? :confused:

-Maybe Raven will adress these things in the patch?;)

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1) I like it being on the spacebar, but it might not hurt if you could somehow set the delay for the ForceJump to activate. Ie, hold space down for 1 second and you have ForceJump, release it before that, and you get a normal jump. It does feel a little fast right now.

I don't really see it as a problem though..


2) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! These special moves are supposed to require at least a modicum of SKILL to pull them off successfully. Binding them to a key makes everyone use nothing but special moves.. (after all, normally you weigh the odds, should I go for a special move, run the risk of it not working and leaving myself wide open?) With a binding it works all the time, no more risk, why bother using normal moves? :)


3) Raven gets kickbacks from Logitech and Microsoft :D

As someone already demonstrated in a script, using mouse button mashing in a Quake engine is st00pid anyways. You can easily bind a key that tells the server you just hammered your mouse button 500 times in a nanosecond, ie, you win the saber lock.

Nice concept, but bad execution on raven's side. Turning your mouse in a circle or something would have been a better idea I feel.


And what do I think? I think I'm glad you got rid of that weird ass sith picture :p:D





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LOL!! -2) was kinda bad idea after I thought about it more and saw yur reply Creston-thanks,lol:p


-Though, I think there's players that may have found a way to bind those complex moves anyway. I've run across players that seem to execute those complex special-moves with no effort repeatedly! That sux but hey, thats gaming life eh?:rolleyes:

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