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Changing models in SP?


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  • 3 weeks later...

ok its pretty simple to replace kyle...i did it...its pretty fun..


(i like to use WinZip for all of this)

First, you want to take the assets0.pk3 file and extract kyle from the directory. preferably extract him to the gamedata/base folder and a models/players/kyle directory shoudl appear.


Next, extract the stuff from the skin you want to use into that kyle directory. Your gonna want to rename all the files from the skin to match the files in the kyle directory. (i.e. match the x_torso to kyle.torso, and so on and so forth) You basically want to replace everything in the directory with the new guys stuff. Everything except the default.skin file. That file needs to be teh same. )


Lastly, when your done, you need to add them to a pk3 file, name it something that doesnt begin with an a, cuz the assets pk3 files need to be loaded first, and the game loads alphabetically. So move the new kyle directory into a root directory on your computer like C: But heres the thing...you want to make sure u have the directory structure in your pk3 file to match what it wants in the game. So make yer dir look something like this: C:\models\players\kyle the game needs that structure when you make your .pk3 file.


PHEW this is tiring to explain.


So then go to your directory and right click on the models directory, and select winzip, then go to add to zip file and create a new .pk3 file and make sure to name it something.pk3, like kyle.pk3. IT will contain all your new kyle files and make sure the PATH reads models/players/kyle


This should do it. ENJOY!

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Or just extract the model you want to you in single player from the assets0.pk3. Extract them to a new folder.


This will look like this (stormtrooper): "new folder/models/players/stormtrooper"


Now just rename Stormtrooper (the folder and nothing else) to kyle, right-click on the "new folder" directory and select "add to zip". Be sure to use the "no compression", "don't save path" and include subdirectories" properties.


Rename the zip to or save it as .pk3 and copy the .pk3 into the Base directory of your renegade folder. Voila!


There is no need to do all that renaming of the model and skin files! (Mind you that certain models, like reborn, have different skins. Just rename the skin you want to "model_default.skin" and delete the unecessary jpgs. Example: If you choose Reborn_fencer as your model, you can delete all the boss_xxx.jpg, acro_xxx.jpg and force_xxx.jpg files.)


Gidion, a.k.a. Dalboz

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