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The JK][ unwritten Code Of Honor and fellow Player Respect!


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-What pisses me off are those lamers that go after anyone that moves or doesnt move! -I've become accustomed to the common unwritten code in JK][ that alot of good players are going by but also alot of L-A-M-E-R-Z seem to prey on.


1)If a player is standing still and doing nothing, it means they're not playing at the moment. Lamerz often go after those players for easy&cheap no-skilled killz.I feel it's fellow gamer respect not to attack players that obviously are not playing at the moment due to a phonecall,bathroom,getting drink, lighting a bowl/cig,etc;!


2) It has become common courtesy not to attack players without sabers drawn. Whe a players saber id off, it means they're either waiting for a duel or looking for a duel only!! I can't stand all those freakin' lamerz that go after unarmed players waiting for a duel! It's soooo damn cheap and just shows how much of an @ssHole you are!


3)When a player offers a duel to another player, obviously they only want to duel! -Either accept or decline by turning and leaving to attack someone else. Not by attacking and killing them! -This is what really p!sses me off about those damn lamerz! -They know you only want to duel but attack and kill you because either they're too noobish to realize what duel means or they intentionally kill you for a cheap/easy point. I believe most lamerz are the latter.


-Well, there's my rant. If I were running a dedicated server, I would be banning freakin' lamerz IPs left and right!-LOL!:p


-I think jediknightii.net should post some kind of guideline like this on thier page. Come on people, it's just common decentcy and respect for us fellow gamers alike!:rolleyes:;)

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