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dark or light??


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what do you prefer?

although my simpathies are with the dark side i prefer using the light powers. the dark powers don't satisfy(grip is unreliable, lightning doesn't do 'nuff damage, rage takes down your HP...).

while: mind trick is cool, heal rules, absorb is purrfect against those darkfetishists...but what's your opinion?

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I think both sides are pretty well balanced. Each Force power has at least one effective counter. Which is the best depends on your preferred fighting style. The dark side side favors quick and aggressive action. The light is for the subtle, defensive player.

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My opinion is that the Dark Side is more powerful, hands down. Even someone with moderate sabre skills can be a poweful enemy with the Dark Side as his ally. Force Drain is clearly superior, both in magnitude of healing capabilities and in effectiveness as a offensive tool, to the Force Heal. Lightning is also powerful and can be used on multiple enemies. When used in conjunction with Force Drain, can be devestating (Drain prevents them from using their defenses, lightning strikes). Same with Grip. Drain syphons their mana, leaving them helpless against Grip strikes which can make a long fight short by throwing them off a chasm or holding them still for an ally to attack. With the Light Side, you NEED to be a good swordsman. That is your only attack. And of course for that you have to be close, right in the rage of other Jedi's Force powers. Clearly for the Light Jedi, Absorb is invaluable. Mind Trick is helpful too. But again, the Light Jedi, if he's going to stand a chance against any even remotely competent Dark Jedi, needs to be the superior swordsman.:cool:

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I think it depends on which mode you are playing. In FFA, it is better to be quick and aggressive (Dark Side) since you will get more kills quicker and will have a better chance of winning. However, in a duel quickness does not matter and either side is equally effective.

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You can be just as aggressive with the Light Side.


Absorb is a great, great counter move. Most of the time my opponents try to Lightning or even better Grip me, and I end up absorbing almost all of it. I'll charge with a sabre or gun, and when they try to use those Forces, I just absorb and keep on swingin'. I prefer Heal to Drain, but both are great. And who can deny the fun in gripping someone? :D


And in trying to psych out an opponent, I find it's easier to do so while using the Light. They won't be worried about Lightning/Grip/Drain, and thus I find the majority of the the time they charge me. That's when my good buddy the Imperial Heavy Repeater clocks them upside the head, or I pull and jump off them. They really don't like that...


- Twitch

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